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Old 12-11-2007   #21
Brilliant Innoventionalist and writer.
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Default Re: Humiliation POV for YOU losers (pics OH MY!)

Originally Posted by Rcourt64 View Post
So now I gotta ask this? Do you fear the opposite sex? and if not.
Then do you find it unethical or morally wrong for a female to show control, or superior intelligents above your male co-partners?
Again this dates back to my ideology of human upbringing with the "Monkey see, Monkey do" concept.
Since the beginning of time, the female has been looked at as "inferior", and either behind or under the male dominate species.
I could present examples thought history all the way down to the creation of religions.
Ya know, the cuz... "GOD said so in his book crap"
This is why I truly enjoy watching aggressive women work I'm tellin' ya man,
I've seen them practically clean out bank accounts in cam show role-playing, and then watch the male return for even more.
The female fascinates me... .

Did I mention I want Hilary to be president yet???
Fear? No, I wouldn't say fear.
Disdain perhaps?

Women are physically inferior to men, genetically. That's a simple fact.
I've found they tend to be equal to, or, dare I say, superior in certain intellectual pursuits. Mostly feeling based type things.
Art, music, philosophical pursuits?
What I call "touchy feely." 0, 1, and "maybe."

But men are better with logical, rational thinking.
Men are 0, 1

They both have their advantages, but a man can "survive" without the art, because he can slay the beast, and eat.

Women can live and thrive in utopia, but they can't build it, and they can stop the invaders when they come to kill you.

Being a man is better.

Eric J. White
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