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Old 06-21-2006   #7
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Default Re: Simple things work best when looking for sign ups.

Originally Posted by Paul Markham
I knew that telling surfers about the updates was converting and retaining. What I did not realise was if we step up a notch it would jump like it has.


Then inside and outside the tour we told people what they will get in the future next weeks updates and on the tour only what was last weeks updates.


Seems it has nothing to do with the WC, it's all about showing the surfer what he's getting and what he's missing.
This, to me, is the entire key. Of course, you need traffic and quality content. But, what you wrote about above is what most sites lack.

Think of the service industry - bars, resturants, etc. Even barbershops. What brings people back? Is the the food quality? Some places that do fantastic business have average or only slightly above average food. In bars and clubs, a budweiser tastes the same pretty much everywhere.

The really successful businesses make the customer feel wanted. They feel informed, and they feel in control. They feel like they are a part of the environment - a very welcome, necessary part. That's what you're doing, Paul, and it borders on genius in this industry
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