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Old 06-15-2006   #30
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Default Re: I just made my lowest grade ever :(

Originally Posted by Rcourt64
Ok well then your fine.

Now the disc? I mean can't you burn those puppies from another student for like maybe half price? or maybe hook them up with a bunch of free porn? LOL
But if you feel the disc are to expensive, I remember in school, I would trade with other students books & stuff for like a quarter of the price?

Just an idea peaches.
Oh, no, the disks aren't available for us to use in class. And all our coding MUST be done from the book. Like I said, I guess they just figure they'll teach us the hardest way, lol.

I'd buy the disk in a nanosecond if it was allowed. Hell, there was an $80 book I had to use for another class that we could use in the library for free. But I had to go up there 5 or 6 times. It's 50 miles each way so I figured with gas and time, I'd just order the book from Amazon and do it at home
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