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Old 01-06-2006   #133
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Default Re: Nick, Trev, and Newton have gone....

Originally Posted by Peaches
Oh, you should see all the crap he's posted on all his other usernames He has a long history of doing exactly what he's doing on this and other boards.

My, my, aren't we just too precious. You spread lies like poison. You know the history of the user names which I have never hid my identity behind. And, pray tell, give us an example peaches. Just because someone does not always get along, does not mean spreading crap. Sometimes it means telling the truth. A concept you seem to know very little about. The number of people I have locked horns with is considerable mainly because I think they are full of it or are scammers, or are bad for the business in general (spammers come to mind among others like cj merchants) These people cost honest business people large. The number of those who, over the years, have gone under is also considerable. And you know what? I was right about them A lot of them hung out here. Some even bought the board. Your poison flows like two buck chuck and you never ever accept responsiblity for your nasty drive by crap. All your bullshit lies about Jimmy Carter in the past are just a small example. All your nasty lies about my veracity. I must admit you did get me angry on occasion and I did fly off the handle. But you lie. I don't. That is the fundamental difference between you and I. This business is full of liars, so I guess it seems normal to you. Now wobble on.
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