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Old 01-06-2006   #70
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Default Re: Nick, Trev, and Newton have gone....

Originally Posted by rhetorical
"You've obsessed yourself with her past, with Nick's past, with everybody's life but your own. Maybe its because there's so much more to their lives than there is to yours?"
You seem to be developing an obsession yourself. What's up with that? Did I ever do anything to you that pissed you off, or have you taken on the roll as the conscience of the board? I have nothing against you. In fact I don't even know you, but you seem to be on a nasty roll today.
I am just trying to figure out what you feel you're going to accomplish by coming here & attempting to use people's pasts against them?

I happen to quite like Nick, Trev, Newton, Serge, and Peaches, based on the experiences I have had with them myself.
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