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Old 12-29-2005   #35
Godfather of 3D Toon Porn
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Default Re: Alien and Confucy....

back stabbing? I think not, lets go back over what I have said here....

Post #3 "It doesn't matter how much biz he gets, or who he knows imho, when you spend almost every waking moment in the public eye acting the way he acts it WILL hurt future biz, and truth be told you can only live so long off old clients and a few big ppl.

I used to give him the benifit of the doubt and wrote it all off as a marketing / branding idea gone wrong, but as time progressed I think I was wrong.

Trolling is one thing, stirring shit is one thing, but constantly fighting loosing battles is another thing all together, it's a shame too, he does have a good head on at least on the phone, and I do like some of his designs."

Post #6 "fighting with Gonzo is not what I was reffering to, I find alot of humor with that one actualy.

I was reffering to the countless "Take me serious" posts, followed by just utter mind-numbing posts. He publicly announced on gfy a few weeks ago that he was looking for work, needed work, wanted to rep a company, then the sec someone called him broke he went right back to the name dropping, self indulged dribble as always, yet he still wants people to respect him and take him serious, THATS the loosing battle in which I speak of.

The comment he made about DA still has me laughing." <--- And it was the thread involving your DA comment that made me just say forget it.

I cannot try and defend someone who time and time again does the same shit, the deffinition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over thinking the outcome will change"

Also when EVEN AFTER we talked on icq that night about Xobile and Ohmobile, when I reminded you who Xobile was and why I could nor would I jump to the defence of a company I knew nothing about and at the same time bash a company I work for. you went in and started bashing on my company, it boils down to that old adage "nothing personal Just biz"

the worst thing is what like a year ago you wanted to do a tie in with Gonzo & I and you never showed up to meet him, then after that you two have been having your "tifts" on gfy. that comes back on me, as I pushed for that, again "Nothing personal Just biz"

When I defended you time and time again telling people you were diff off the boards, and actualy were not a moron, (you know the same shit I said here) and told you allthough it was funny you realy needed to chill it out, then the last threads and attacking the company I work for?

so yeah in your own words:

"I think ya really screwed yerself.
Have a good life."

Don't see how but what ever, this is busniess, and if it's going to hurt mine to keep trying to stick up for you then I can't keep doing it, read all my posts here, theres no backstabbing, I don't work that way and you damn well know that.


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