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Old 12-29-2005   #10
Godfather of 3D Toon Porn
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Default Re: Alien and Confucy....

Originally Posted by Weg Cory
Well, I didn't read all the threads or even much of them. I saw people laughing at his income, I just commented on that specifically...I find humor in him and Gonzo fighting as well, so I would say we are actually on the same page
I would concur, then give ya a quick Alien recap lol

"I am going to become a proffesional Troll"
"I MADE Darren Austen a radio star by coaching him" <-- my fav
"I Compare 1 company with another not knowing they are publicly the same company, yet even after finding out I will not change the way I mention them"
"I claim one of the biggest programs on the net are 2nd, and just steal from other companies"
"I spell for shit" <--- I'm guilty of this one but to my knowledge I don't go around pushing my brain around lol
"Everyone tries to copy GFY or make their own board"
"um come to my board"
"Now i'm siding with Confuckey"

The list goes on and on but after awhile the funny wears off and it just gets annoying

and for the record most of that all came from one thread lol,


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