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Old 12-03-2003   #65
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 1,159

To beat a dead horse...

Yeah Serge, I got the picture long ago. You make money from me abusing your idiots. That fine, its an even exchange.

You will come to regret it. I have already alienated many of your regulars. Trust me, their hate will grow, and before long you will have to bow to public pressure and ban me or risk losing your precious impressions.

Enjoy your impressions, I know I am enjoying myself very much.

From this point on your simpletons will spend unbelievable amounts of time and energy attempting to discredit me, only to learn that it is a futile endeavor. A horrible horrible circle of intellectual violence that will never end. Did you not learn anything from GFY? The simple abhor and loathe me, and you invited me into their living rooms. God bless you Serge.

Your impressions will come at a price, and that price is watching your friends get abused. Its such a win / win. I watch you wince everytime one of them opens their mouth. Their pain, your pain, its my reward.

Off to class with the rest of my lonely ignorant kind.
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