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Old 11-24-2003   #11
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 339

I support our military 100%, however that budget is so loaded with FAT its sickening. I know people that own companies that supply the DoD, and my father when he was a Colonel in the Army Reserves, worked in the Selective Service and Logistics & Supplies Divisions.

If you've never been to one of the major Army supply command centers, that's all you need to see how much waste, corruption, fraud and mismanagement goes on in the US Military.

I could write a 60's Minutes investigative special on some of the things I saw when I got to see a supply center years ago up in Philly.

There's easily $100 Billion you could trim out of that budget if not more and get the same results. Think long and hard on that number. That's over $1 Billion per day? 1 BILLION every 24 hours.

Quick Buck "Value and buy domains not for what they did yesterday or today, but rather for what they can be built to do in the future."
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