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Old 11-23-2003   #45
Payserve SUX
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Originally posted by [Labret]@Nov 23 2003, 04:51 AM
At the height of US / Soviet paranoia. How did you get out? Were you part of the Soviet program to empty the prisons and ship the riff raff to the US?

You love being here, I am packing my shit and leaving the country come May. Hopefully for good.
Your free to feel that way Labret, try to remember that fact after your relocation ok? Your also free to leave the US, temporarily or forever, again try to not forget that freedom as you pack. I won't try to slam you for voicing your opinion, no, I wouldn't do that. See, i spent my own little private 'Time In Hell' for you to have the freedoms your currently taking for granted. When you die, hang your head as you cross the gates of heaven, you'll see they are guarded by United States Marines (i'd venture other services as well, but they are not in the poem).
As for Serge
22.....young, poor and FREE, and the ONLY last part mattered back in a day
I disagree with some of the things you say (mostly about your cock!! LOL) but I cannot tell you how much I respect what you said there. You and I share the same love rusky, Lady Liberty is one helluva lover!
during WWII there was a C-rat can found with the following words inscribed on it
"For those who fight for it, Freedom has a flavor the protected never know." I would say getting out from behind the iron curtain qualifies just as much as getting shot at, as fighting for it. I respect the drive and passion and risk it must have taken for you to be able to come here and to succeed.

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