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Old 10-12-2003   #503
Eternal Newbie
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Originally posted by confucy@Oct 12 2003, 04:48 PM
Okay, Peaches, I have sat back and taken your bullshit for weeks. Even Serge wanted me to go easy on you. Fucf that! You deserve to get that fat ass of yours spanked.

You are a jealous bitch. You want me to be old, mean, and ugly because then you can look into the mirror and tell yourself you aren't that bad. The truth is Peaches, you need a fucking nosejob. You need to get that god damn chip off your shoulder, and you need to lose 50 pounds. You sit at home all by yourself dreaming about being fucked as you gobble down chocolates and potato chips.

You have isolated yourself in a funky little cabin because you are afraid of being rejected by another asshole man like Gonzo. He is probably your type until you shape up and start taking care of yourself. You are so fucking bored that you have nothing better than to come to an insulting/backstabbing board like Oprano. You kiss ass like Carrie, thinking that will win you a permanent home on Oprano.

What the fuck have you done with your life? You did raise on damn good looking son, and I believe, a grand baby. Think about those days when you had a happy family and you weren't bitter and mean like you are now.

I may sound like JR on helium, but you asked for it. Now, play fair, or get out of my threads. Call Mitnick. Let him social engineer your ass. Maybe you need some sweet talking soical engineering nasal bastard like Mitnick to make you feel alive again. Go for it! Just keep it to yourself, and try to come aback again as the Peaches we knew and loved.
Boy it's easy to derive obvious things from a statement like this.

Let's see. She's jealous of your beautiful cabin and its view. She's jealous that you have a family. She's jealous that you earn enough on your own to afford that home up in the woods without the help of a man and that you are able to stay home and work, unlike her.

Jealousy is so flattering.

Edit: Oh, and there she goes with the "my threads" thing again. I guess she thinks she's Serge now? Better check the location of the goat.

Last edited by Carrie at Oct 12 2003, 05:21 PM
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