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Old 10-09-2003   #224
Eternal Newbie
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Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Inside your monitor
Posts: 2,850

Carrie, everywhere I go, there you are!
Yes, I'm actually here to conduct business, while you are here to simply wreck your train.
If you don't like what I have to say, then stop following me!
The day I follow you anywhere is the day you wake up from your nearly 2-year coma fantasy.
Just go away.
Going to go cry to your mommy now too? I'm not going anywhere - live with it.
You said that you put me on ignore on GFY, but you continue to comment about my comments! You have made it point to tell everyone that microchick is confucy.
I did that once, oh Queen of Exagerration, when someone asked who you were. Another time I did it when you chose to come out of the woodwork and attack me as if you were some cowardly anon. You are still on ignore on GFY, even though you haven't yet grasped the concept that when people quote you, I can see it. Hello? Bueller?
If you would spend more time getting fucked by your husband, you wouldn't be living on the boards trying to sell a signature line.
If you got fucked at all, dearheart, we wouldn't have to put up with your shit.
Who in the fuck offered to pay you $2,000 for it? You accuse me of not answering your questions, but you are the guilty one.
I've been telling you for over a year now that my business dealings, income amount, traffic and sales are none of your business. Just because you keep asking does not mean you'll get an answer. I realize that you are too dense to understand simple concepts, but goodness knows I'll keep trying to get this through your miniscule brain.
You accuse me of lying when you are the one who snitches everybody out and then you won't accept responsiblity for your actions.
I have only outed one person, Confucy, and that's you. I've said it plenty of times and I'll say it again - I'm proud of it. You hate me so much because I am the person who caused your precious little anonymous world to come tumbling down. I warned you not to fuck with my family, but you thought you were untouchable. Guess what honey? I OWNED YOU. And that pisses you off more than anything else in this world... while it still gives me endless entertainment as you sputter and bitch about it.
You have nothing, but you try to make your nothing sound like something! You are barely getting by.
Is that so? Please enlighten all of us by posting my household income and expenses. Don't have it? Gee, then I suppose you're talking out of your ass again, eh?

FAMILY FAMILY FAMILY FAMILY FAMILY - If family is so damn important to you, then get a respectable job and keep your ass shots off the porn boards.
Am I mistaken or did you just - again - insult everyone on this board by saying the work that we're doing here isn't respectable?
How's that foot taste?
You're not content, babee!
Much to your consternation, I know. You are SO dying to see me nude, and you have been for so long now... it's flattering dear, really.
I think I said this before, but... hold your breath and wait for it.

You and others who have young children use the old excuse that porn allows you to spend more quality time with your kids. I don't buy it.
No, I wouldn't expect a barren, unloved spinster such as yourself to understand.
Admit it! You are hooked on porn and you and your hubby get off on it.
Fucking please.
It drives you absolutely NUTS that I don't even attempt to live "the porn life" like so many of your other obssessions - I am the exception to every rule, sweetheart. Get used to it.

Struck out all around on that little rant. Would you like to try yet again and make yourself look even more the fool?
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