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Old 10-09-2003   #42
Eternal Newbie
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Originally posted by confucy@Oct 9 2003, 02:42 AM
Carrie, put up or shut up! Who offered you $2,000? Bullshit!

As far as your family goes, I feel sorry for them because they have to put up with you! You bring up your family every fucking day on porn boards. Shame on you! If you bring them up, then why do you have a problem when I tell you to take care of your kids and get the fuck out of here.

You thrive on attention. You are one sick bitch. You were making a life for you and your family before porn. You have this sick fascination with porn. You would like to be stripping off your clothes and getting paid for it, but you have had no offers so you create your own show by showing us pictures of yourself grabbing your tits and showing your sick ass.

I did not know WillyB or the webmaster who had the motorcycle accident. That doesn't mean that I don't feel for them and their familes. If you care so much, then contribute the cash you made by kissing ass on Netpond.

Take your stupid ass chatroom expressions and get out of my sight, Miss nuff nuffy nuff!
1. I'm not the one bringing up my family, you are.
2. Don't flatter yourself by thinking that your opinion means anything to me.
3. I am not the one thriving on attention on the boards. Ever heard of transferrence? You have a cut-and-dried case of it.

There is one sick bitch around here, but it sure as hell ain't me.

Same old tired shit you've been spouting for over a year now, Confucy. Can't you come up with anything new?
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