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Old 10-07-2003   #27
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 1,066

GonzoBean, you are such a ridiculous man. Nobody is putting down webmasters who have been sick or who have died. As far as I can tell, they are/were good men and liked by many.

Don't twist things around! The selling of a stupid ass signature line on the boards is about the most vain silly ass thing I have seen. However, when a nobody like Carrie wants to sell her signature line to raise money for a good cause, it is damn embarrassing! Who in the fuck would want to buy Carrie's name for a dollar? Sickening!

Gonzo, you just don't get it. I don't give a shit what you do or say. You are just a big fat ZERO. You don't exist. I call you fat, because you have no self esteem and you refer to yourself as FAT. I'm just repeating what you say about your out-of-shape flabby obscene body.

Cease & desist orders on the porn boards are a joke. Those who play with fire know they will eventually get burned. Bringing the private information of people to the internet is a low rotten thing to do. When you also mention relatives' personal information, you have reached the bottom of the pit. YOU ARE IN THE GARBAGE, GONZO. Is this the kind of attention you want? You are slime. You are filth. You have no ethics. I'm ashamed to be in the same thread with you.

Nick, grow up! With your record, you have no business judging me. I have never cheated anyone of dragged their personal information onto public forums. Contribute something to the auction and get off my back. You are looking more and more like GonzoBean.
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