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Old 09-18-2003   #15
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That reminded me of an old old joke.........

A guy is driving through a small western town and he stops at a bar. He goes on in. Regular old bar, but behind the bar is a big picture window looking out over a pasture and in the pasture there is a horse. Above the bar is a sign that says "If you can make my horse laugh, you will win $100.00 and get to drink free all night".

The guy goes to the bartender, orders a beer and then tells the bartender that he wants to try to make the horse laugh. The bartender tells him ok, but warns him that the sign has been there 10 years and nobody has won yet.

The guy goes out the back door into the pasture. The bar patrons all gather around the bar to watch through the window. The guy goes up to the horse and whispers something in the horse's ear and amazingly the horse just starts laughing and laughing. The horse laughs so hard that he ends up lying on the ground and rolling on his back.

The guy goes back into the bar and collects his winnings and stays to drink free for a few hours. He then says goodbye to his new friends and continues his trip.

A few weeks later he is returning from his trip and goes through the same town, so he stops at the bar again. The sign has been changed and now reads "If you can make my horse cry, you will win $100.00 and get to drink free all night". The guy decides to try his luck again.

Once again he goes into the pasture and the bar patrons all gather to watch. This time he walks around, out of sight on the far side of the horse. The patrons can not see what is happening, but all of a sudden the horse just starts crying and crying... He bawls so much you would have thought he was having a breakdown.

Once again the guy goes in and collects his winnings. This time though the bartender hits him up with "lookit fella, my sign was up there for ten years and nobody could make my horse laugh, you come in and in two minutes you have him laughing, then you come back and in two minutes you have him crying, how'd you do it".

The guy leans back against the bar, takes a sip of his drink and tells the bartender, "Well, when I wanted to make him laugh, I just told him my dick was biger then his. When I wanted to make him cry, I showed him"


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