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Old 09-09-2003   #27
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Originally posted by confucy@Sep 9 2003, 11:27 AM
Wait a second, Serge. The amateur radio people know Mitnick extremely well. Mitnick and his flunkies post crap all the time. Mitnick has said that you have been a big help to him along with Gary Kremen. Gary told me in email that Mitnick is a punk...pretty close to his words.

Fat Felon Fuck Mitnick luvs you Serge!

You know how I feel about Gary. Gary needs some people around him who love him for himself, not and his Cohen mansion. Gary wants to be liked. He puts up with a lot of users and abusers. I have been very supportive of a great deal of people who have turned on me like Mitnick.

You live and you learn!
1) he never said that

2) I never met him

3) I am more convicted felon than him,
Bavarian courts offered $10,000,000 for me, laid or alive.

Gary.....I already forgot who he is,
let's talk about something more exciting

wanna talk about Cohen? he was a real charecter and much more fun
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