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Old 09-09-2003   #67
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"Sarettah, you know nothing of the problems I have had with Carrie. No matter what I say on GFY, Carrie enters and tells everyone I am confucy. Who cares? Do you know the background of every poster on every board? Fuck no, and who would want to waste time getting to know 90% of those they encounter on the boards."

I know that you create most of your own problems by attacking viscously and then whining when you get slammed back..... I can post quotes from you where you are actually whining that we should treat you better because you are a woman... But at the same time, you want to stay anonymous and be able to attack at will... It is not a one way street... here or anywhere else... You get what you payfor... You have earned whatever you get from my observations.

"Carrie said she was *laid off*....well, why weren't people like Sword fired. Layoff most of the time means, FIRED! Carrie doesn't listen, she talks, talks, and talks. Maybe Netpond got fed up listening to her constant bullshit. "

And maybe it was just a layoff too.... You don't know and I have'nt asked Carrie, so I don't know. I do know that many many layoffs are actual layoffs. After a certain large Web Publishing company went down the tubes a couple of years ago, the company I was working for laid off half the people working for it.... 42 people got laid off... were we fired ? No... It was a matter of , no money coming in therefore we have to cut expenses..

Was the fact that I was laid off and someone else wasn't a reflection of my skills or value to the company ? No. The lay offs were done in seniority order.. Me and a friend had been there 2 years and 1 year respectively.. The two people they kept had been there 5 years and 4 years respectively....

"I never started a hate Carrie thread on GFY. I leave her alone until she opens her stupid big mouth and starts bullshitting. I think she is a loser. I have nothing more to say."

Yeah, but anytime she posts about anything, you jump her case.

"I can deal with your non-stop ridiculous threads that you feel compelled to throw at us every day, as though we care! Plus, most of your threads go nowhere, so why aren't you sticking with them? I have a short attention span, and when I am bored I move forward."

Just call me the Luke Ford of Oprano then...... It amazes me that you worship someone that has tried to make a living off of cutting and pasting random bits and pieces of stuff but that you would have a problem with someone posting things that he thinks might be interesting to the readers of the board. I do my postings to try to stir some interest, to try to get a discussion or two going. I don't always follow up by posting in the thread because the story speaksfor itself or other posters have already made the comments I want to make.

And once again, instead of answering the charges I levelled at you, you are instead attacking.... typical confucy manipulation....

"I have spent more time on the boards in the past three months than I have in the entire year. I'm not into quick little cute replies, but I have been doing it on Oprano and because I have felt comfortable."

Could that be because you managed to get yourself banned everywhere and only after kissing ass bigtime and begging the owners did you get back in ??

"You say bitter.....I say blunt! "

Bitter is the proper word.... Blunt is totally different. I am blunt... you are bitter..... You are a whiner.............

"Regarding Serge, we had fun kicking each other in the ass. It is a board thing, Sarettah. You take all this crap too seriously."

I take very little of it seriously... and I can bring up the various posts, here and on other boards that show it was not fun... from either of your perspectives.... Lawsuits and C&Ds are not the usual way folks have fun with each other. You want to change history to make it look the way you want it too... The web doesn't work that way.... There is always a backup copy showing the way things actually went down....

"Do you want a list of names of webmasters who wanted to pay me to come to their boards to be a bitch? I said no! "

For the same reason that Mitnick gets invited to talk shows etc..... Carnie sideshows always attract the most attention. People can never get enough viewing of the freaks.

"I speak out when I am upset by idiots. Aga and Carrie crossed the line. I have said what I wanted to say. I feel cleansed. Your opinion means nothing to me. You are just a Carrie. No wonder you are sticking up for her. Well, she needs a friend since she is unemployed!"

So there is shame in being unemployed ?? And as far as your cleansing... after your history on the boards, the enemies you have created, the attacks you have made, you better be prepared when people decide to "cleanse" themselves of their feelings towards you.

"Sooooooooooooo, scan the news, Sarettah, and start those threads a rollin', babeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"

I will, thank you.

"By the way, you are to Oprano what Sword is to Netpond. A BIG FAT ZERO!"

Well, I havent read the pond very much since way back before Oprano and VNWR days, so I don't know sword......... Butif a zero is what I am, then so be it... I would rather be a zero among this crowd then known as bitter bitch across the entire adult net.

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