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Old 11-21-2002   #29
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 366

Doctors in the United States are some of the most uneducated professionals I've ever met....they are only required to take two years of general education courses in college, and the entire rest of their lengthy education is in sciences and medicine. So many of them can't write well, don't have any familiarity with logic, don't know much about literature, history, philosophy, etc.... but are arrogant beyond measure because they are "DOCTORS".

I think this is why doctors are a favorite of con men....they are too busy to check things out, too uneducated to make good choices, and too arrogant to believe they could be taken.

I'll freely admit lawyers are by and large arrogant as well, but even lawyers have a bachelor's degree in something non-law before they enter law school.
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