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Old 11-20-2002   #13
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Number expressions:

We can make number expressions that equal the number of letters they contain. For example TWO + FIVE creates a total of seven, and has seven letters. Complete the following self-counting expressions. Each question mark stands for a single digit (0 through 9), and digits cannot be repeated within the expression.

1. TWO + FIVE = 7

2. THREE + ?

3. FIVE + SIX + ?

4. NINE + TWO + ?

5. SIX + SEVEN + ? + ?

6. ZERO + ONE + TWO + ? + ?

7. ? + ? + ? + ? + ? + ? + ? + ? + ?

8. What number in English, when written entirely with straight lines, represents the number of line segments it contains? For example, FIVE, which does not describe itself, contains 10 line segments.


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