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helix 07-18-2007 12:13 AM

Mowing the lawn tommorow
Probably spreading the goat shit around as well. I will be unavailable for 3-4 hours. :yowsa:

Rcourt64 07-18-2007 07:43 AM

Re: Mowing the lawn tommorow

helix 07-18-2007 09:54 AM

Re: Mowing the lawn tommorow

Originally Posted by Rcourt64 (Post 789235)


Hammer 07-18-2007 12:28 PM

Re: Mowing the lawn tommorow
I take it this is in reference to Jace letting everyone know he'll be gone for the weekend, like we all care? :whistling

Rcourt64 07-18-2007 12:34 PM

Re: Mowing the lawn tommorow

Originally Posted by Hammer (Post 789259)
I take it this is in reference to Jace letting everyone know he'll be gone for the weekend, like we all care? :whistling

Would the saying "Hammer right on the head" sound like a punn here??? :rolleyes:

helix 07-18-2007 05:03 PM

Re: Mowing the lawn tommorow

Originally Posted by Hammer (Post 789259)
I take it this is in reference to Jace letting everyone know he'll be gone for the weekend, like we all care? :whistling

Yes, but having good natured fun - not hating.
Although I have never met Jace in person, he has been very helpful to me
as I carefully watched his progression working with blogs,
and it is much appreciated. He could have kept it all on
the down low and to himself but he didn't. He shared what he learned and
that gets a big :okthumb: in my book.

Now - sponsors that want to get their content into Fuckinhorny email me helix@fuckinhorny.com,

Webmasters sign up and start adding videos to your blogs, webpages, everywhere.

Affordable Hardlinks will soon be for sale. Spread out over our 450+ tgp network.
We are working on pricing packages now. Prices so low you
can't afford to miss it. We will have something for every price range.
I will post when it's ready.

Check out the Fuckinhorny girls dancing at the pool at XBiz. WooHoo!!

gonzo 07-18-2007 05:21 PM

Re: Mowing the lawn tommorow
Exhibit B of all that hardcore business being done at the Xbiz show.

Rcourt64 07-18-2007 06:33 PM

Re: Mowing the lawn tommorow

Originally Posted by helix (Post 789277)
Yes, but having good natured fun - not hating.
Well I thought that part was obvious,
You mean theres actually people who "hate" others here?

Although I have never met Jace in person, he has been very helpful to me
as I carefully watched his progression working with blogs,
and it is much appreciated. He could have kept it all on
the down low and to himself but he didn't. He shared what he learned and
that gets a big :okthumb: in my book.
5 stars there :)

Now - sponsors that want to get their content into Fuckinhorny email me helix@fuckinhorny.com,

Webmasters sign up and start adding videos to your blogs, webpages, everywhere.

Affordable Hardlinks will soon be for sale. Spread out over our 450+ tgp network.
We are working on pricing packages now. Prices so low you
can't afford to miss it. We will have something for every price range.
I will post when it's ready.

Check out the Fuckinhorny girls dancing at the pool at XBiz. WooHoo!!

Squeeeeze a little propaganda in there, huh?

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