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sarettah 10-24-2005 10:21 PM

Does loyalty count ?
I don't know about anyone else, but I tend to be feriously loyal, sometimes even when it seems detrimental to myself. I don't know if it's because of growing up where I did, or the experiences I have had or what, but I rate loyalty in both business and personal life very highly.

Even when someone I was loyal too has screwed me over, as sometimes occurs, you will not see me badmouthing them or riding their ass. I may no longer come in and openly support them, but I'm not gonna fuck them over either.

Is this a good thing ? I don't know, but it's the way I am. :blink:

Nickatilynx 10-24-2005 10:24 PM

Re: Does loyalty count ?
Loyalty is a two way street.

You can be loyal to some people and they play on it.

People have to earn it.

That said , I have rarely if ever fucked with someone......first.


PornoDoggy 10-24-2005 11:25 PM

Re: Does loyalty count ?
As a rule, I don't think highly of people who publicly turn on someone once a business relationship sours.

For every instance of someone getting "screwed without warning" there are 99 cases of someone getting treated in a way that they could have see coming if they had their eyes open.

Timon 10-25-2005 05:38 AM

Re: Does loyalty count ?
I agree with PD, it is totally OK to screw someone over if you give him some subtle warning signs first :p

Seriously I voted #2, I'm loyal through thick and thin but fuck me over and you'll regret you ever heard my name.

Trev 10-25-2005 06:38 AM

Re: Does loyalty count ?
I'm loyal to the bitter end. Getting on my loyal list is hard, but once on there it takes a pretty big fuck up to be knocked off.

I must admit my shit list is pretty easy to get on to though. :hmm:

Inabon 10-25-2005 07:06 AM

Re: Does loyalty count ?
loyal to friends

if business relation goes sour good luck to them and move on with my decision. if mine was right good, if the others were wrong good luck to them. if mine was wrong then i stick to my guns and go down with the ship.

friendship loyalty however is different a friend is a friend and if a friends asks for help help he will get. one day it will be my turn to get help.

that is all :)

Funbrunette 10-25-2005 07:41 AM

Re: Does loyalty count ?
I am loyal unless I realize I'm getting a raw deal...After that it's all downhill from there! ;)

Timon 10-25-2005 07:54 AM

Re: Does loyalty count ?

Originally Posted by Trev
I'm loyal to the bitter end. Getting on my loyal list is hard, but once on there it takes a pretty big fuck up to be knocked off.

Will a blowjob get me on your loyal list? :groucho:

Trev 10-25-2005 08:46 AM

Re: Does loyalty count ?

Originally Posted by Timon
Will a blowjob get me on your loyal list? :groucho:

It would put you pretty close to the top of it. :yowsa:

selena 10-25-2005 09:35 AM

Re: Does loyalty count ?
The first statement is more accurate about me.

Alas, there have been times when the last should have been.

I lack that "fine line" ability to discern sometimes.

MorganGrayson 10-25-2005 09:40 AM

Re: Does loyalty count ?
"Loyalty" is more about the person that *you* are and want to be, and doesn't really have a lot to do with the other person/situation. Sometimes you have to go into life with your chin up knowing damned well it's going to get a solid punch.

That's more a "personal life" comment than a business one.

Loyalty in business, if there is such a thing, reminds me of that song lyric: "I've been faithful to you...in my fashion."

Newton 10-25-2005 10:31 AM

Re: Does loyalty count ?
I voted 2 and small indiscretions can be tolerated, but go beyond that and I am very patient :)

TheEnforcer 10-25-2005 11:12 AM

Re: Does loyalty count ?

Originally Posted by Trev
I'm loyal to the bitter end. Getting on my loyal list is hard, but once on there it takes a pretty big fuck up to be knocked off.


NickPapageorgio 10-25-2005 11:19 AM

Re: Does loyalty count ?
I voted #3. Regardless of friendships, loyalty, years with a company or in a partnership, promises made...what the fuck ever...it always comes down to one thing.

Will my kids be able to eat well next week, next month, next year...

I'm loyal...but money talks. I don't know many who it doesn't speak to...

Dravyk 10-25-2005 11:39 AM

Re: Does loyalty count ?
Loyalty, while desired, is a double-edged sword. It's an emotional experience. Therefore someone can feel that while they were loyal, that the other entity (person, company, whatever) may have been disloyal, even if they weren't.

That is, because it's very emotional positively, it can at times have a small nothing thing happen, and then it flips to a negative emotion, where someone might think they were betrayed when they weren't.

Again, it's complex, and it isn't always based on reason ... It's great when it's positive. When something causes it to flip, even misperception, then people feel needlessly hurt and it can become much ado about nothing.

Hmm. I might be rambling, as this is not easy to communicate, so I better stop. :)

Timon 10-25-2005 12:15 PM

Re: Does loyalty count ?

Originally Posted by Dravyk
Loyalty, while desired, is a double-edged sword. It's an emotional experience. Therefore someone can feel that while they were loyal, that the other entity (person, company, whatever) may have been disloyal, even if they weren't.

That is, because it's very emotional positively, it can at times have a small nothing thing happen, and then it flips to a negative emotion, where someone might think they were betrayed when they weren't.

Again, it's complex, and it isn't always based on reason ... It's great when it's positive. When something causes it to flip, even misperception, then people feel needlessly hurt and it can become much ado about nothing.

Hmm. I might be rambling, as this is not easy to communicate, so I better stop. :)

Can you rephrase that? You lost me in the first sentence :scratchin

Dravyk 10-25-2005 12:18 PM

Re: Does loyalty count ?

Originally Posted by Timon
Can you rephrase that? You lost me in the first sentence :scratchin

Er ... there's a thin line between love and hate. :)

MorganGrayson 10-25-2005 12:40 PM

Re: Does loyalty count ?
I understood it, Dravyk. :) `

NickP...:waving: ...You're right. You add "children" to the mix, and that's where the first and ultimate loyalty lies. When "will my kids eat, have medical care, live indoors..." goes up against "loyalty to a company" the company (and just about anything else for that matter) loses.

We haven't even gotten to "define 'loyalty'" yet.

NickPapageorgio 10-25-2005 12:47 PM

Re: Does loyalty count ?

Originally Posted by MorganGrayson
I understood it, Dravyk. :) `

NickP...:waving: ...You're right. You add "children" to the mix, and that's where the first and ultimate loyalty lies. When "will my kids eat, have medical care, live indoors..." goes up against "loyalty to a company" the company (and just about anything else for that matter) loses.

We haven't even gotten to "define 'loyalty'" yet.

Well...to me...that's what it really is all about. I trust one person in this world, my wife. I can be "trusting" of others, but from my experience, I have never been able to "trust" someone. Trust breeds loyalty. I am loyal to 3 people. My wife, my son and my daughter.

Ofcourse, my loyalty can always be purchased for a nominal fee, but as soon as you turn off the ATM i'll be seeking someone else to bestow my loyalty upon. That's just the way it works. No hard feelings. Nothing personal. Strictly business.

MorganGrayson 10-25-2005 01:01 PM

Re: Does loyalty count ?

Originally Posted by NickPapageorgio
Well...to me...that's what it really is all about. I trust one person in this world, my wife. I can be "trusting" of others, but from my experience, I have never been able to "trust" someone. Trust breeds loyalty. I am loyal to 3 people. My wife, my son and my daughter.

Ofcourse, my loyalty can always be purchased for a nominal fee, but as soon as you turn off the ATM i'll be seeking someone else to bestow my loyalty upon. That's just the way it works. No hard feelings. Nothing personal. Strictly business.

Thumbs up for great word usage and I'll give you points in a minute. :okthumb:
I like the distinction. "Trust" and being "trusting." My husband has my ultimate trust and ultimate loyalty. Any "business" I do all comes down to "how will this effect my husband?" I work so that my husband will get fewer creases in his forehead the 15th of the month when he sits down with the bills. The car needed to go to the car doctor, which caused a forehead crease momentarily...but the sponsor check that had arrived the day before took it away. I have great "loyalty" to this particular sponsor, because it increases the quality of my husband's life. But, let's be honest. They bought my loyalty. (They earned my trust, but that's another matter, having to do with the quality of their affiliate rep.)

So many people have used the phrase "nothing personal, just business" to justify their behavior that the phrase has become tainted to some. If you run it through a mental detox, it regains its true meaning. Business is a part of your life, not your entire life. Business is about professionalism.

Nickatilynx 10-25-2005 01:28 PM

Re: Does loyalty count ?

Loyalty and trust has to do with what you think of yourself , it is not anything to do with anyone else.

For me it is anyway.

It seems to differ depending on whether by nature you are a leader or a follower.

How will my action in this matter make me feel about myself.Will I be able to look at myself in the mirror?

For example , a long time ago I was transacting a lot of business with someone. Alot.
That person went on holiday and some toerags took over his business.

They then approached me and asked me to send traffic to them ,at an increased rate , and that they had persuaded everyone else to send to them.

The correct business action would have been to take there increased offer

I refused it.

I then spoke to technick and redlion and explained what I had done and why.

After a minimal amount of whining from Redlion LOL they agreed it was the right thing to do.

Never ever regretted that course of action either.

It seems , to me , that NiickP and morgan can justify there actions by using there family as an excuse.

I sorta think beyond that in a way...(and not having a pop , just thinking aloud)...as in..

Now I have done a lot of wicked stuff in a way to ensure tha tmy children have a good lifestyle.

And I have no problem with telling them one day "Yup all from porn and spam" lol

I'd find it harder to say "Yup all of this is as a result of fucking over your Uncle Anthony in a business deal"...

I'm not explaining it very well LOL

It does appear though that my old line of

"We are all whores the only variables are the price and the currency"

holds true...


PornoDoggy 10-25-2005 01:32 PM

Re: Does loyalty count ?

Originally Posted by Nickatilynx
I have no problem with telling them one day "Yup all from porn and spam" lol

I'd find it harder to say "Yup all of this is as a result of fucking over your Uncle Anthony in a business deal"...

I'm not explaining it very well LOL

You were wrong - the two paragraphs before your disclaimer explained it perfectly, IMHO.

MorganGrayson 10-25-2005 01:38 PM

Re: Does loyalty count ?
Apparently I've explained something *very* badly.
Any action that I would have to "justify" with a rationalization wouldn't go over well at my house, or with me personally.

I once left one company, for good and valid reasons from my perspective, and went to work for another. However, I managed to do this without "fucking anyone over." The first words out of my mouth (second, actually, the first were more along the lines of "quit the commercial and stop kissing my ass") were "I will *not* discuss the previous company for which I worked. Understood????"

I took the job because I was desperate for money. I do not apologize for that. Luckily, I also don't have to apologize for "fucking over" the previous company, because I didn't.

Yes, Nick, we're all whores. But even whores put a limit on what they will and will not do.

Nickatilynx 10-25-2005 01:40 PM

Re: Does loyalty count ?

Originally Posted by MorganGrayson
But even whores put a limit on what they will and will not do.


Newton 10-25-2005 01:49 PM

Re: Does loyalty count ?

Originally Posted by MorganGrayson
But even whores put a limit on what they will and will not do.

Seconded ;)

MorganGrayson 10-25-2005 01:51 PM

Re: Does loyalty count ?

My first pearl!! Me Mum would be so proud! (She really would, Mum had a great sense of humour.) :)


NickPapageorgio 10-25-2005 01:55 PM

Re: Does loyalty count ?
Bah...you wave enough greenbacks in front of a whore and she'll eat her children...

And no, I don't feel like I am using my family as an excuse for any actions. I don't ask to be excused for ANY actions. I deal with the actions I make and go with what comes. When I say that the only people I am loyal to are my wife and my kids, that's because they are my true friends in this world. My wife is the only person I trust with my life. All my other friends are either dead or in jail...

When it all comes down to it, I am going to make decisions based on what benefits me or mine. If we were partners for 30 years and split, and a business proposition came on my table that was a conflict of interests between you and I, the conflict of interest wouldn't even be considered and a decision would be made on the basis of what the deal had to offer me. I would expect any partner or associate of mine to understand that business..as they say..is business.

NickPapageorgio 10-25-2005 01:58 PM

Re: Does loyalty count ?
I used the term "whore" and "her" loosely in that last post. There are male whores aswell...and he'd eat his children equally as fast... :)

MorganGrayson 10-25-2005 02:05 PM

Re: Does loyalty count ?
Maybe some whores, NickP.

Not this one.

There's somebody else in my life who has my ultimate loyalty, ultimate trust. And that would be...me. I rather like me, and want to go on liking me. Self-respect is a commodity that can't be bought back if you lose it. All the money in the world won't buy that back.

My kids survived being raised poor. They survived eating hot dogs and Mommy's "3000 things you can do with beans and a crock pot" cooking. What they wouldn't have survived is having parents they couldn't respect. They got to watch their friends, who had those. It was easy to watch those friends, they were all at my house.

I'll whore to the highest bidder...as long as its one of the positions on the list, to beat a metaphor to death.

Newton 10-25-2005 02:11 PM

Re: Does loyalty count ?
Lets put a hypothetical on the table .. imagine you have been contacted by a new client who is just starting out, to fulfill a contract in a certain timeframe, and you have undertaken this project. Another client who lets again say hypothetically is a huge affiliate, who needs a project undertaken and completed in the same timeframe, who has promised you future work and in return for doing this work will give you exactly double what your other client has offered. Which one would you accept if there was absolutely no way you could do both and have already taken on client A ?

NickPapageorgio 10-25-2005 02:18 PM

Re: Does loyalty count ?

Originally Posted by Newton
Lets put a hypothetical on the table .. imagine you have been contacted by a new client who is just starting out, to fulfill a contract in a certain timeframe, and you have undertaken this project. Another client who lets again say hypothetically is a huge affiliate, who needs a project undertaken and completed in the same timeframe, who has promised you future work and in return for doing this work will give you exactly double what your other client has offered. Which one would you accept if there was absolutely no way you could do both and have already taken on client A ?

Finish client A's work and if things work out at some point later on with client B, fine. Loyalty has nothing to do with fullfilling ones commitments.

MorganGrayson 10-25-2005 02:18 PM

Re: Does loyalty count ?
I'd fulfill the committment that I'd made. I may weep for the other, but I've been promised "future work," too. I didn't hold my breath and it's a good thing I didn't, because the "future work" didn't show up and never will. That "big affiliate" was once starting out, too, and who knows where this one will go?

Slide the other project to a friend who knows what the phrase "finder's fee" means.

Breaking committments when you get a "better offer" is a great way to get yourself blacklisted from everybody.

sarettah 10-25-2005 02:19 PM

Re: Does loyalty count ?

Originally Posted by Newton
Lets put a hypothetical on the table .. imagine you have been contacted by a new client who is just starting out, to fulfill a contract in a certain timeframe, and you have undertaken this project. Another client who lets again say hypothetically is a huge affiliate, who needs a project undertaken and completed in the same timeframe, who has promised you future work and in return for doing this work will give you exactly double what your other client has offered. Which one would you accept if there was absolutely no way you could do both and have already taken on client A ?

I would have to stay with client A because I said I would do their project.

However, I would first attempt to find someone to farm a bit of it out to so that I could do both projects at the same time.

But, failing that I would have to tell client B "I would love to take it on but unfortunately I don't have time in my schedule right now...yadda yadda etc etc"

Dravyk 10-25-2005 06:09 PM

Re: Does loyalty count ?
This is a whoreable thread! http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/wwww.gif


Trev 10-25-2005 06:21 PM

Re: Does loyalty count ?
Sometimes I worry about you....

Those times usually run from 0:00 all the way through to 23:59 GMT :yowsa:


SykkBoy 10-25-2005 06:31 PM

Re: Does loyalty count ?
I know there was some drama recently about my loyalty or assumed lack thereof and it caused some problems for myself and some people I care about...it's something I'm not eager to relive or go through again.

I'm not a perfect human being, but I always try to do right by friends and family. Sometimes I've failed at that for one reason or another. Loyalty is about intentions and the ability to admit to mistakes.

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