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MRock 10-26-2007 01:28 AM

#1 on Google=sales?
Not necessarily I guess. First let me say that I have noticed this month an increase in Google traffic on all 12 of my sites. ( anyone else? ) Big thumbs up initially ... but then I looked a little deeper and see that I have the #1 position for several key phrases on one particular niche site, doubling my traffic from Google to about 11k this month on that site ... but where are the sales? My sales are flat ... same as without the extra 7k visitors, what gives??? :scratchin

KevinG 10-26-2007 07:02 AM

Re: #1 on Google=sales?
My immediate thought for a response upon reading the post title before even seeing the body text was to say "no" #1 doesn't necessarily equal sales if it isn't a term anybody searches on.

However, you stated that you are indeed getting traffic from your new number 1 rankings, but you are not getting sales.

Your landing page is not converting the traffic to sales. You should consider revising the page.

Perhaps you want to post the page(s) here for input.

The keywords and rankings info would help too.

KevinG 10-26-2007 07:07 AM

Re: #1 on Google=sales?
If it's the site in your sig, I think the model is very hot and the design is very poor, actually no design at all. Sorry. No offense. The join page is weak too.

I do not subscribe to the opinion that an "amateur girl" site should have an amateur design.

I don't mean to pick on you, but I think that is the answer to your question.

Hammer 10-26-2007 09:02 AM

Re: #1 on Google=sales?
If the site you're talking about is this one, http://www.jilljaxx.com/ then I agree with Kevin and the problem is not the traffic but the website. No offense, but I don't think that site would make money with 10 times the traffic you're getting now.

I just noticed that you're using TicketClub and even with a good design that's a bad idea.

Toby 10-26-2007 09:13 AM

Re: #1 on Google=sales?

Originally Posted by Hammer (Post 797585)
I just noticed that you're using TicketClub and even with a good design that's a bad idea.

Agreed, I will not promote sites using Verotel's affiliate program.

KevinG 10-26-2007 09:15 AM

Re: #1 on Google=sales?

Originally Posted by Toby (Post 797587)
Agreed, I will not promote sites using Verotel's affiliate program.

Not only that but it looks unprofessional and I think lots of people would be reluctant to give up their credit card and other personal info.

gonzo 10-26-2007 10:45 AM

Re: #1 on Google=sales?

Originally Posted by KevinG (Post 797588)
Not only that but it looks unprofessional and I think lots of people would be reluctant to give up their credit card and other personal info.

I wouldnt go that far as to say it looks unprofessional. But again I dont subscribe to the slick designed amatuer pages converting better than a basic design.

However there are a few things I would change.

1. I have to agree. Verotel has always camped out in the grey area of processing. A lot of guys just will not promote them. And I can say in all of these years Ive never got 1 check from them yet I have promoted sites using them in the past.

2. A few leaks. Id drop the link on the tour to the Yahoo group. The value of that traffic has been long gone. It used to be golden - now its a haven for spammers and freeloaders.

Id offer the nightflirt as an upsell after youve got that recurring money. Unless of course shes making more cash off of it than the memberships.

I think id use photoshop to clean up the pics in the about me area... or shoot some newer ones / a touch larger.

I hear an exit console that I have blocked. Not sure what that is popping but I think you will find most everyone has an exit console blocked these days.
Im not sure why all of the girls started using these . . . someone running one of these "friends" network conned them into thinking it recycled their traffic I think. It doesnt all it did was allow them to steal your traffic and bulk the main site up.

I cant get the video to work. Again I hear a popup or exit console. Ok it worked it just took a while to load. Im sure thats a common issue.

Your again diverting sales for a onetime $6 option instead of the possible recurring membership. Id use clips4sale to drive traffic to my website and as an upsale in the members area for someone that wants more. I always try to find a way to take more of their money instead of less.

The video descriptor talks about big tits but the clip is mostly of crotch. I wanna see em! Semi revealing ready to bust out of a top maybe working that toy your talking about in the text . . .

Not sure why you use MasterStats. Its a traffic leak. See if your getting at least as much traffic in as you send out. Otherwise your getting negative traffic flow which was common with all the "trades" that were going on a few years ago. Im sure they dont want me telling you this but its the truth.

Links out. Fuck no. I want to sell them my stuff. Any other option on a tour gives a surfer one less reason to buy.

Watch me link - Youve just given the surfer another reason to buy elsewhere.

The same with the DVD sales link. If you want to have your DVDs truely distributed thru a channel see if you can work a deal with my friend Sinclair. He just posted on the Am board here.

Rude Jill.
Theres a reason that rude.com is 646 today in alexa. They have got all of you convinced to send them your hard earned traffic. Do you know who makes money on Rude? They do... selling ads with adbrite.

I hope this helps.

Im not a big believer in building a tour only to give a surfer a reason not to buy. Youve got enough links on there to free porn that takes your nice SE ranking and pumps up sales for everyone but yourself.

Youve got them there to see your girl. The job now is to get the money out of their pocket for YOURSELF. Sell them on YOUR product - dont refer them anywhere else.

Toby 10-26-2007 11:39 AM

Re: #1 on Google=sales?

Originally Posted by gonzo (Post 797602)
...I dont subscribe to the slick designed amatuer pages converting better than a basic design...

I've seen slick designs actually hurt an amateur site. It just needs to be clean and well laid out. Lead the surfer where you want him to go...

MRock 10-26-2007 03:21 PM

Re: #1 on Google=sales?
Hey guys ... thanks for all of the responses and feedback on jilljaxx.com I certainly appreciate Gonzo's breakdown and will surely give it a try with his suggestions. That site is in my sig only because it's the only one with an affiliate program. That was not the site I was talking about. The specific site I was talking about was http://www.mypregnantpictures.com I'm #1 for "pregnant pics" and #2 for "pregnant pictures". The funny thing is that I have NOT touched this sites free area for several years. I just thought it odd that my sales conversion did not carry upward with the "golden" traffic increase from Google. I'm gonna get about the same sign-ups as last month on mpp.com, minus the surge from Google.

Let me try to bring this thread back to my initial question: Has everyone else seen a large increase in their Google traffic? Or is it just me? I have 12 sites, all of them with a nice increase in Google traffic this month. Some of them double and triple an increase .... :clapping:I have been around long enough to know that they "tweek" the formula and have seen fluctuations before, but never a jump like this month!

Hammer 10-26-2007 03:35 PM

Re: #1 on Google=sales?
By saying you want to get back to your initial question it makes it sound like we didn't answer your question and yet here's the last part of your post.

"but where are the sales? My sales are flat ... same as without the extra 7k visitors, what gives???"

Obviously we were trying to explain to you why your sales were flat.

Mypregnantpictures uses the same exact design as the site we commented on so if you want to take advantage of a jump in Google traffic, following Gonzo's advice will certainly help, but get rid of Verotel if you do nothing else.

As for your other question, Google traffic always goes through cycles with dips and peaks. If they change something in an algorithm it might benefit your site because your SEO works but it can just as easily go the other way the next time they change something. I doubt if there will be a time where everyone experiences some kind of surge all at the same time.

KevinG 10-26-2007 03:39 PM

Re: #1 on Google=sales?
Oh man, look what I started with everyone looking at the wrong site. LOL! Doesn't matter though as it looks pretty much the same.

Anyway, I have NOT seen any substantial changes in rankings, traffic or sales on several sites I manage and/or own in several different niches. Everything is maintaining well, smooth and steady for my sites.

However, in regards to "tweaking the formula", here's how it works which may explain things a little. There used to be big scheduled updates that would happen 2 - 3 times a year and would effect all the results across the entire search engine.

No more.

There are no more big updates where the entire algo changes.

Think of G as actually having lots of little algos for many different web site categories. There are constant "rolling updates" in different market niches going on all the time.

So an entire niche can have lots of SERPS change while there are no changes anywhere else.

MRock 10-26-2007 04:11 PM

Re: #1 on Google=sales?

Originally Posted by Hammer (Post 797616)
By saying you want to get back to your initial question it makes it sound like we didn't answer your question and yet here's the last part of your post.

"but where are the sales? My sales are flat ... same as without the extra 7k visitors, what gives???"

Obviously we were trying to explain to you why your sales were flat.

Mypregnantpictures uses the same exact design as the site we commented on so if you want to take advantage of a jump in Google traffic, following Gonzo's advice will certainly help, but get rid of Verotel if you do nothing else.

As for your other question, Google traffic always goes through cycles with dips and peaks. If they change something in an algorithm it might benefit your site because your SEO works but it can just as easily go the other way the next time they change something. I doubt if there will be a time where everyone experiences some kind of surge all at the same time.

Hey Hammer,

Everyone gave a lot of much appreciated and respected advice. I've already started making changes to jj.com . I'll also apply it to mpp.com and see what happens.

The second part of my question was being baffled by conversion ratios I guess. I mean, if I have a site that converts at 1:450 during a regular month with normal traffic trades, shouldn't that ratio roughly maintain with an extra 7k Google visitors? Shouldn't I get ~ 14 more sign ups? I know it wouldn't be exactly the same, but to see NO increase in sign-ups got me scratching my head.

MRock 10-26-2007 04:14 PM

Re: #1 on Google=sales?

Originally Posted by KevinG (Post 797617)
Oh man, look what I started with everyone looking at the wrong site. LOL! Doesn't matter though as it looks pretty much the same.

Anyway, I have NOT seen any substantial changes in rankings, traffic or sales on several sites I manage and/or own in several different niches. Everything is maintaining well, smooth and steady for my sites.

However, in regards to "tweaking the formula", here's how it works which may explain things a little. There used to be big scheduled updates that would happen 2 - 3 times a year and would effect all the results across the entire search engine.

No more.

There are no more big updates where the entire algo changes.

Think of G as actually having lots of little algos for many different web site categories. There are constant "rolling updates" in different market niches going on all the time.

So an entire niche can have lots of SERPS change while there are no changes anywhere else.

It's cool :okthumb: I should have been seeking the advice several years ago! LOL

Thanks for the info about the G updates. I guess it's just working in my favor this month.

gonzo 10-26-2007 04:43 PM

Re: #1 on Google=sales?

Originally Posted by MRock (Post 797623)
Hey Hammer,

Everyone gave a lot of much appreciated and respected advice. I've already started making changes to jj.com . I'll also apply it to mpp.com and see what happens.

The second part of my question was being baffled by conversion ratios I guess. I mean, if I have a site that converts at 1:450 during a regular month with normal traffic trades, shouldn't that ratio roughly maintain with an extra 7k Google visitors? Shouldn't I get ~ 14 more sign ups? I know it wouldn't be exactly the same, but to see NO increase in sign-ups got me scratching my head.

Even though SE traffic is much better than something like a TGP the same rules apply. . . you have to tweak your tour to get them to buy.

Porn is a pure impulse buy. So you got to get them to take their hand off the dick and on the wallet.

MRock 10-26-2007 04:51 PM

Re: #1 on Google=sales?

Originally Posted by gonzo (Post 797629)
Even though SE traffic is much better than something like a TGP the same rules apply. . . you have to tweak your tour to get them to buy.

Porn is a pure impulse buy. So you got to get them to take their hand off the dick and on the wallet.

Point taken Gonzo ... I'll be applying your advice. Thank you very much. :)

I just had another thought about my own question, maybe even answered it myself. Maybe the "searchers" from G are mostly women looking for medical pregnant pictures or photographers to capture their own pregnancy ... I wouldn't expect them to join if that is the case ...

I will still be applying everyones advice and let you know how it goes.

KevinG 10-26-2007 05:19 PM

Re: #1 on Google=sales?

Originally Posted by MRock (Post 797630)
Maybe the "searchers" from G are mostly women looking for medical pregnant pictures or photographers to capture their own pregnancy ... I wouldn't expect them to join if that is the case ...

That could be true.

The title saying "watch my belly grow" sounds like something one woman might say to another. It may be perceived as a site targeted to pregnant women when they see it in the search results, based on the title.

I know the description says: My Pregnant Pictures features my hottest pregnant nudes with naked pregnant photo galleries movies videos stories and free photo archive ... but maybe people aren't seeing that. (It's a little too long too, SEO-wise.)

Maybe change "watch my belly grow" to something like "Nude Pregnant Pictures".

Here's some of the highly searched keywords in that area:

nude pregnant pictures
pregnant pictures nude
sexy pregnant pictures
Free Sex Pregnant Pictures
big breast pregnant pictures
pregnant sex picture
free pregnant porn pictures

Hammer 10-26-2007 06:14 PM

Re: #1 on Google=sales?

Originally Posted by MRock (Post 797630)
I just had another thought about my own question, maybe even answered it myself. Maybe the "searchers" from G are mostly women looking for medical pregnant pictures or photographers to capture their own pregnancy ... I wouldn't expect them to join if that is the case ...

That sounds plausible to me. You would have to check to see what keywords you're getting the traffic from and if, as you've guessed, they are searches for something related to pregnancy but not sex, then I'd say you have your answer.

willwank 10-26-2007 06:26 PM

Re: #1 on Google=sales?
You got a lot of leaks goin' on there. Verotel imho is always bad, even worse with the "free" tickets club. Give Epoch and/or LocalBilling a try.
I believe an amateur site should have an amateur'ish design but not done by amateurs. There's a big difference there I think.

You got a good list of keywords from KevinG. Do a strategy around them, and track/monitor your performance in the searches.

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