View Full Version : What do you guys think of the David Cameron's

07-25-2013, 12:46 AM
move to make porn opt in. Personally, I think it is an opportunity and if it ever happens will wreak havoc on pirates and tube sites. They will never be able to sell soft core landing pages with hard stuff behind a pay wall.

07-25-2013, 04:10 AM
move to make porn opt in. Personally, I think it is an opportunity and if it ever happens will wreak havoc on pirates and tube sites. They will never be able to sell soft core landing pages with hard stuff behind a pay wall.

From a marketing standpoint I think its great.
The UK getting punked by a lot of mobile porn scams as of late.

07-25-2013, 05:28 AM
If people want to see the pr0n they'll figure out how.

07-25-2013, 02:48 PM
Toby, I think it will turn surfers into customers.

07-27-2013, 12:11 PM
I think that it is perhaps one of the best things that could happen to the porn industry.

Imagine for a moment a world where the only people who surf for porn are people are have opted in to see it. That means no kids, no prudes... and no surfing from work, school, or the local starbucks either! Suddenly, the only people hitting your sites are in their best position to buy porn, they want porn, and have selected to receive it.

Traffic will drop, in theory - but the quality will go way back up.

07-27-2013, 12:27 PM
I'm totally with Alex on this. I think porn was more profitable when you had to pay to rip open the plastic bag to see the dirty pictures. You had to go into special stores that were kinda seedy, but you were already firmly committed to buying something. At least I was.
In the early days, our sites were set up like that. Naughty pictures and long descriptions of exactly what was inside. And the customers got what they paid for.
Then the so called free stuff hit, and the fun was over.
I hope this all works.
I want the guys who walk through the door, fully engaged, horny and ready to spend.
The bonus is, it will make it harder for the average kid. Some will always get it, but it won't, in theory, be popping up or popping under every time they search. And I do think it is fucking them up.
I believe the internet in the past 8 years has created fetishes that never existed before.
Fingers crossed.