View Full Version : Use in P2P / torrents as a distribution network

05-15-2013, 11:51 PM

This idea has some merit if they will include adult as part of it.
I made some great affiliate cash back in the day creating ASF files that had a popup at the end of it to a join page on the clips I dropped out on usenet.

Its a shame we dont have a file format like that now.
This was the forerunner of tubes as it converted a lot of freeloaders or
made cash from places like WEG or even traffic laundering where you used it to wash that traffic for good traffic in exchange.

This is something I didnt talk about back in the day because I didnt want anyone doing the same thing. Id rather be thought of as a broke idiot while I was laundering traffic or getting paid a buck for an email etc.

Thoughts? This worked for me as an affiliate BTW as well as selling my own content.

05-16-2013, 04:54 AM
The idea seems okay, but it is something that the piracy / file sharing community is NOT liking at all. There is plenty of bad press for Bit Torrent selling out and making "paywalls" and such. I think it's a pretty good move by bit torrent to try to create a pay option, but likely to be soundly defeated within minutes, as people will find ways to bypass it and pirate it within seconds.

The other part is more and more, torrent systems are getting very serious with comments, down voting, and file pruning. If a file gets enough downvotes, it often no longer shows up in search even if it is there. So any commercial type file has to be pretty subtle to avoid the kiddies screaming about it.

Oh, did you hear that at least one of the major tube sites is no longer allowing people to upload with watermarks, unless they are the specific owner of the content? Then they just want to get paid to allow the upload! Wow!