View Full Version : A Guide for Fabian

05-09-2013, 12:40 PM
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<span class='visually_embed_cycle'><a href="http://visual.ly/just-what-money-laundering/?utm_source=visually_embed">Just What Is Money Laundering? infographic</a> <span>by </span> <a target='_blank' href='http://www.visual.ly?utm_source=visually_embed'>visually</a>.</span>
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05-11-2013, 03:11 AM
Wash, rinse, repeat... just like shampoo!

05-11-2013, 03:57 AM
Wash, rinse, repeat... just like shampoo!

His boasting and bragging with numbers and dates etc on Xbiz is just fascinating. Truly a case of an ego blown out of control.

He claims to be making all that money yet they cant afford to pay Playboy the licensing fee for the past year. So which is it?

I think that story among others are just now unfolding.

Within 30 days or so you will see what I mean.

Doubt me? Remember I called the closing of 365billing.com almost down to the day for not being PCI compliant.