View Full Version : Another "merger"...

05-02-2013, 03:11 AM
Email I got:

I am pleased to announce that on May 15th, BlazingBucks.com will be completely merged with Gamma Entertainment's multi-platform affiliate program. All of Blazingbucks sites will be re-launched by industry leading company Gamma Entertainment. Please also note that I ( Mark Blazing ) will continue on with my role associated with Blazingbucks and will continue to provide you with any and all support and sales related tasks.

05-02-2013, 11:19 AM
There had been an existing "partnership" in place for some time, don't recall exactly when I read that announcement, nor whether I read it in a Gamma newsletter or one from Blazing Bucks. I never really saw much evidence of it but I don't promote BB and quit promoting Gamma (via FameDollars) when they started self-uploading their clips to all the major illegal tubes. Curious that my conversions went to zero for three months before I discovered they'd been uploading to tubes.

05-02-2013, 01:30 PM
Sign of the times Im afraid.
Was looking at some tools for this site yesterday and its amazing
how many sites are closed or consolidated.

05-02-2013, 09:52 PM
What I got back from them is that the merger is good, the site will be "relaunched", and so on... but Gammae (while I like Karl) is one of the companies I can almost never convert well on, even "back in the day" when you could sell almost anything.

Toby, it was about 2 or 3 years ago that they formed a "partnership" which I assume means that Gammae started to host them. They were actually going quite well at that point, with Punker Barbie fronting for them and such. She very quietly changed jobs, they didn't mention her leaving at all, and the program started to slide. Signing up Porno Dan hasn't really helped, considering that his sites appear to be nothing more than a promo tool for his "pay per view" live shows, which the affiliates make nothing on.

05-03-2013, 12:16 AM
Toby, it was about 2 or 3 years ago that they formed a "partnership" which I assume means that Gammae started to host them. They were actually going quite well at that point, with Punker Barbie fronting for them and such...
It was a few months after Shirley took the job with them that I hit her up about the no cross-sale links. She inquired further up the food chain then replied a day later that it was not available. I don't make such requests often, but BB is the only program that has said no. Makes you wonder why.

05-03-2013, 12:18 AM
Porno Dan has always been about Porno Dan.

And he still hasn't figured out when to keep it zipped in his pants.

05-03-2013, 05:36 AM
It was a few months after Shirley took the job with them that I hit her up about the no cross-sale links. She inquired further up the food chain then replied a day later that it was not available. I don't make such requests often, but BB is the only program that has said no. Makes you wonder why.

You know why.
Cross sales are for weak programs that can be profitable without clinging on to a site that converts. You become twice as profitable if you put a shit stain website like some of 12clicks worthless crap hung out as a fat addon.

Consumers have been taught that its much less expensive and less hassle just to go watch it on thieving Manwin tube.Or one that scrapes content from the same thieving Manwin tubes.

No one wants to work for a living my in large anymore. They want to be banging rich without any effort.

Just look at all the threads on bitcoin if you dont doubt it.

05-04-2013, 12:36 AM
Dirty F and his bitcoun threads at the zoo are fucking classic. Talk about trying to pump something that is headed for a crash.

05-04-2013, 07:24 AM
Dirty F and his bitcoun threads at the zoo are fucking classic. Talk about trying to pump something that is headed for a crash.

Just like RogerV and Stevie Lightspeed all sticking up for Chris Mallick... he was a top notch stand up guy and would never take anyones money.

Saw how that one turned out.

05-04-2013, 10:58 PM
Bitcoin Nutters. Franck is entertaining. I love how anyone that has any opinion contrary to his is some form of a nutter, then he turns into the bitcoin nutter. lolz

05-05-2013, 12:10 AM
Dirty F and his bitcoun threads at the zoo are fucking classic. Talk about trying to pump something that is headed for a crash.

Bitcoins might be headed for a crash. But the virtual cash genie is out of the bottle. It can have serious ramifications for file lockers....you won't be able to cut off their funding.
Governments could lose control of their economy....say Cypress for instance and it could threaten the Euro.
However, when you fuck with capitalism on a scale that is that huge, you better have a bolt hole, because da man will gain total control of said virtual cash to protect its very substantial interests.
They have real armies. Computer geeks do not.
I am waiting for the dust to settle which I think will happen fairly quickly. I just wonder how to recognize the signs.

05-05-2013, 10:43 PM
I think the signs are already there. There is already signs of pump and dump and pyramid schemes in this one. Further, as "bitcoin atm" things start to happen, and payment methods start to pop up, they will more and more likely become subject to the various laws, like the US "know you customer" thing.

There are very few countries they could hide in that would not make them subject to some sort of currency regulation.

05-06-2013, 07:16 PM
Money wants to be free.... hahahaa

05-12-2013, 11:37 PM
Just like RogerV and Stevie Lightspeed all sticking up for Chris Mallick... he was a top notch stand up guy and would never take anyones money.

Saw how that one turned out.

My personal best was all of the blowhards pumping up Scott's Yes Signals in the pre launch thread... everyone saying "wow i just got a sneak peak and this is awesome" LMAO. Before everyone else knew what it was. All those idiots trying to hype that worst idea ever of a site.

05-13-2013, 12:40 AM
Is Scott that Canadian guy from Winnipeg or somewhere in Manitoba? The site is still around, I think.

05-13-2013, 06:20 PM
My personal best was all of the blowhards pumping up Scott's Yes Signals in the pre launch thread... everyone saying "wow i just got a sneak peak and this is awesome" LMAO. Before everyone else knew what it was. All those idiots trying to hype that worst idea ever of a site.

Scott had a great idea 10 years ago with all the text/stories that accompanied his TGP galleries. Gained him a lot of SE juice that lasted many years.

He just never followed it up with any new successful ideas.
That site BTW has some merit if he was doing it from a humor angle as opposed to trying to take himself serious.

Being able to make fun of yourself has always served me well.

05-13-2013, 10:28 PM
Humor works... writing dry text tends to get you dry responses. Getting a little flamboyant and making some noise seems to work really well, even if all you are doing is a really bad ghetto hoodrat speak. All of the write-ups I am seeing about social media says that the more off the wall and outrageous your comments, the more likely you get paid attention to, good or bad.

it's the Howard Stern school of self-promotion I guess.

05-13-2013, 10:43 PM
Humor works... writing dry text tends to get you dry responses. Getting a little flamboyant and making some noise seems to work really well, even if all you are doing is a really bad ghetto hoodrat speak. All of the write-ups I am seeing about social media says that the more off the wall and outrageous your comments, the more likely you get paid attention to, good or bad.

it's the Howard Stern school of self-promotion I guess.

Or Karl Rove.

05-14-2013, 12:40 AM
Humor works... writing dry text tends to get you dry responses. Getting a little flamboyant and making some noise seems to work really well, even if all you are doing is a really bad ghetto hoodrat speak. All of the write-ups I am seeing about social media says that the more off the wall and outrageous your comments, the more likely you get paid attention to, good or bad.

it's the Howard Stern school of self-promotion I guess.

Been looking for something non adult to do exactly that with.