View Full Version : JBM turned into a joke.

01-30-2012, 01:34 AM
Ok, maybe it always was a joke. Never liked the site, mainly because it was 12clicks and his clique of friends.

Started posting there just to stir some shit and fuck with Ronnie. MFM makes 10 retarded ass posts a day trying to make the site look active. All the talk is about sports, and current events. I finally pissed off the little fagot enough to ban me, so now their daily posts got cut by half lol. Make a bad post about Tim Tebow if you really want to get him going ( he has a man crush).

Oh and the site just "sold", amounts and new owners were not disclosed, but a clown and $10 seems like the most likely candidates.

Is there any forums out there left that get 50+ new posts a day that actually talk about business? Even GFY, which I would never post on again, last I checked their new posts had dropped big time, and it was all shit as usual.

Evil Chris
01-31-2012, 09:43 AM
You seem to annoy people everywhere you go. I don't know you, but one person this week told me you're ok in person.

Is this where you're going to hang out now? Seems fitting. :)

01-31-2012, 10:15 AM

01-31-2012, 11:08 AM
"turned into".

What was it before then?

01-31-2012, 08:07 PM
You seem to annoy people everywhere you go. I don't know you, but one person this week told me you're ok in person.

Is this where you're going to hang out now? Seems fitting. :)

Curious which person told you that as I could count the number of people still in this industry that i've meet in person on one hand.

I am happy to annoy the people that find me annoying. The people who are annoyed by me all seem to fall into a couple different groups of people, neither of which I could give two shits about. For JBM, I was purposely there just fucking around, I don't like the site, never have and don't like some of the people who call it home, like 12clicks.

Lots of people like me, lots don't. I could give a shit either way. I'm no different "in real life". I'm not a fake board personality like a lot of idiots posting online.

01-31-2012, 08:13 PM
"turned into".

What was it before then?

It's always been a big pile of shit IMO and back when I was buying ads on forums I laughed my ass off at the prices they were asking to run a banner ad there.

Now, even the bullshit posts there have died down and most of the bros who posted there are gone. Site is officially dead minus MFM's 10 bs posts a day about total crap.

02-01-2012, 06:33 AM
You seem to annoy people everywhere you go. I don't know you, but one person this week told me you're ok in person.

Is this where you're going to hang out now? Seems fitting. :)

Its the GH hatrick whiner in full cry. So Evil, why are you so damn angry? Is it the failure of x nations? Or perhaps your miserable board whoring fail? Or are you just feeling too damn old?
Don't worry, be happy.....like me typing from my front porch in Koh Samui.

Evil Chris
02-01-2012, 09:30 AM
Is this where you're going to hang out now? Seems fitting. :)
Could I be any more spot on? No. :okthumb:

02-01-2012, 10:32 AM
It's always been a big pile of shit IMO and back when I was buying ads on forums I laughed my ass off at the prices they were asking to run a banner ad there.

Now, even the bullshit posts there have died down and most of the bros who posted there are gone. Site is officially dead minus MFM's 10 bs posts a day about total crap.

My observation was it was a great place for company reps to network and hang out. Its always great to have a place to go when your looking for a new job and needing a homie hookup.

02-01-2012, 07:39 PM
My observation was it was a great place for company reps to network and hang out. Its always great to have a place to go when your looking for a new job and needing a homie hookup.

word on the street is no one is hiring, the garbage reps have been recycled so many times they running out of companies left in business to go work for, that they haven't already been fired from, err i mean "moved on to bigger and better things" from.

Just took a look at JBM, 12 of the top 15 posts from MFM.... Tim Tibew mic'ed up, What will Newt do now after losing florida, america becoming a nation of renters, and facebook ipo.... exciting stuff. upset I got banned and can't join in the fun any more :(

02-01-2012, 10:00 PM
sounds like an amazing opportunity for Evil C and his posse Donny Long. Hey Evil, you still in the biz or are you driving cab now?

02-02-2012, 01:49 AM
sounds like an amazing opportunity for Evil C and his posse Donny Long. Hey Evil, you still in the biz or are you driving cab now?

He is multi tasking, driving a cab and working online in between fares from the front seat with his laptop.

Evil Chris
02-03-2012, 04:02 PM
He is multi tasking, driving a cab and working online in between fares from the front seat with his laptop.Gotta stay on top of my hockey scores

02-03-2012, 09:31 PM
Gotta stay on top of my hockey scores
Jesus saves and Evil scores on the rebound. So, another failufe at b and b I see. Board whoring just ain't what it used to be. Spose you got fb subsidizing your porn hobby by now, though.