View Full Version : FleshLight affiliates becareful.

10-27-2011, 07:30 PM
After making claims in the past that it is ok to use the name "fleshlight" in your url when promoting their affiliate program, they recently have been contacting affiliates and threatening to not pay them unless they transferred ownership of that domain to FleshLight.

One such case played out in this thread on GFY: http://gfy.com/showthread.php?t=1042415 which is now locked (Fleshlight is an advertiser there, big surprise).

In the past FNCash has said:
There was also some confusion about the use of fleshlight being in your domain name. To clarify, we are NOT stopping the use of fleshlight domain names, and any affiliate who has a site with the fleshlight name in it does NOT need to shut it down.
Source: http://gfy.com/showpost.php?p=12860205&postcount=93

So as recent as a couple years ago they were publicly stating it was ok to go register a domain name with fleshlight in it, spend your time and money promoting and seo that domain and when you get to the point where you making good money from it they suddenly change their minds. Not only do they change their mind that it is not ok to use "Fleshlight" in your domain but they want you to transfer ownership of *your* domain over to them, thus killing your revenue stream and all your hard work. On top of that, they hold your check hostage, and wont pay you monies owed until you complete the transfer of the domain to them and they want you to do immediately!

What do you think, bullshit or ok to pull this?

IMO, since they gave the ok to do this and have been accepting this traffic for years... and now they *claim* they need to protect their trademark all of a sudden, then a good compromise would have been to have the domain ownership transferred to FNCash. However, Fleshlight could have allowed the affiliate to leave his site in place, with his referral links on it so he could still get credit for the sales and not lose all of his hard work and time. After all, if they were only worried about protecting their trademark what I just mentioned would have been a good solution/compromise for everyone involved. Although it is very apparent that their object was more than just trademark protection but to eliminate paying a lot of affiliate sales.

Keep in mind this is the same company with a checkered past of having advertised on several of the biggest tube sites on the net from day one, when most of which will filled with stolen content. They finally addressed that subject a couple years back and claimed their policy would be changed to only advertising on tube sites that respond to dmca notices, ha like that makes much of a difference to the companies who content is stolen and posted to these sites on a daily basis. Their ads also still fly on tube sites that contain bestiality and even worst content, as recent as of today.

Top notch stand up company. :2c:

10-27-2011, 09:10 PM
After making claims in the past that it is ok to use the name "fleshlight" in your url when promoting their affiliate program, they recently have been contacting affiliates and threatening to not pay them unless they transferred ownership of that domain to FleshLight.

One such case played out in this thread on GFY: http://gfy.com/showthread.php?t=1042415 which is now locked (Fleshlight is an advertiser there, big surprise).

In the past FNCash has said:

Source: http://gfy.com/showpost.php?p=12860205&postcount=93

So as recent as a couple years ago they were publicly stating it was ok to go register a domain name with fleshlight in it, spend your time and money promoting and seo that domain and when you get to the point where you making good money from it they suddenly change their minds. Not only do they change their mind that it is not ok to use "Fleshlight" in your domain but they want you to transfer ownership of *your* domain over to them, thus killing your revenue stream and all your hard work. On top of that, they hold your check hostage, and wont pay you monies owed until you complete the transfer of the domain to them and they want you to do immediately!

What do you think, bullshit or ok to pull this?

IMO, since they gave the ok to do this and have been accepting this traffic for years... and now they *claim* they need to protect their trademark all of a sudden, then a good compromise would have been to have the domain ownership transferred to FNCash. However, Fleshlight could have allowed the affiliate to leave his site in place, with his referral links on it so he could still get credit for the sales and not lose all of his hard work and time. After all, if they were only worried about protecting their trademark what I just mentioned would have been a good solution/compromise for everyone involved. Although it is very apparent that their object was more than just trademark protection but to eliminate paying a lot of affiliate sales.

Keep in mind this is the same company with a checkered past of having advertised on several of the biggest tube sites on the net from day one, when most of which will filled with stolen content. They finally addressed that subject a couple years back and claimed their policy would be changed to only advertising on tube sites that respond to dmca notices, ha like that makes much of a difference to the companies who content is stolen and posted to these sites on a daily basis. Their ads also still fly on tube sites that contain bestiality and even worst content, as recent as of today.

Top notch stand up company. :2c:

Baldheaded stunt cocks should stick to what they are best at....

10-28-2011, 05:19 PM
After making claims in the past that it is ok to use the name "fleshlight" in your url ................................. bestiality and even worst content, as recent as of today.

Top notch stand up company. :2c:

Desperate times call for desperate measures. What was once an industry at which it was almost impossible to fail has now become an industry of people just struggling to hold on.

:: sad face

11-02-2011, 11:52 PM
Personally, I think it's more about their trademark, and the dilution of the trademark. Sounds like they hired a good IP lawyer, as well as good marketing people.
They've also been very litigious in the arena of any flashlight shaped (And the REALLY stretch the term "flashlight shaped.") personal Jack off device.

Again, the IP attorney working their "patent" in this regard.
The future is about owning, and suing for IP rights.

This is nothing new.......it's just the industry eating its own now, instead of some outside company like Acacia.


11-08-2011, 11:34 AM

11-09-2011, 08:02 PM
Personally, I think it's more about their trademark, and the dilution of the trademark. Sounds like they hired a good IP lawyer, as well as good marketing people.
They've also been very litigious in the arena of any flashlight shaped (And the REALLY stretch the term "flashlight shaped.") personal Jack off device.

Again, the IP attorney working their "patent" in this regard.
The future is about owning, and suing for IP rights.

This is nothing new.......it's just the industry eating its own now, instead of some outside company like Acacia.


Simply put, you are 100% wrong. If this was about "protecting their trademark" then 1. they wouldn't have been allowing affiliates to do this for 6 years, having given them permission to do so. 2. they could have taken ownership of the domain, but left the site up so the affiliate could still make sales from the traffic.

Not to mention by publicly stating that affiliates could do this several years ago and allowing it, I am pretty sure they would have no case now if they tried to sue those affiliates for trademark violations.

This was simply Fleshlight not wanting to pay out on sales that they felt they could still make themselves if they removed the affiliate (site/domain) from the equation.

11-09-2011, 08:04 PM
Oh and here is the "proof" that there is fleshlight ads on bestiality sites. The reason the stunt cock on GFY banned me, for making "false accusations".


11-09-2011, 11:53 PM
Oh and here is the "proof" that there is fleshlight ads on bestiality sites. The reason the stunt cock on GFY banned me, for making "false accusations".


Theyve hired some real marketing genius I see....

11-27-2011, 03:27 PM
Simply put, you are 100% wrong. If this was about "protecting their trademark" then 1. they wouldn't have been allowing affiliates to do this for 6 years, having given them permission to do so. 2. they could have taken ownership of the domain, but left the site up so the affiliate could still make sales from the traffic.

Not to mention by publicly stating that affiliates could do this several years ago and allowing it, I am pretty sure they would have no case now if they tried to sue those affiliates for trademark violations.

This was simply Fleshlight not wanting to pay out on sales that they felt they could still make themselves if they removed the affiliate (site/domain) from the equation.

Well, I'm not 100% wrong.
They might be doing what you say, I don't know. I don't have an insight into their minds, nor would I defend them, if I did.
But I am right about them being litigious, and winning. And I'm afraid you're wrong on the trademark thing.
They can assert their trademark rights at any time. And regardless of "what they did in the past," they can stop it tomorrow.
I'll bet they'll even get away at snatching people's commissions. "Right," and "Wrong," got nothing to do with it.