View Full Version : CyberAge Dave finances a "christrian movie"

10-25-2011, 12:48 PM
http://crossroadmovie.com/blog/2011/04/01/the-making-of-crossroad-part-1-video/ (http://proxify.com/p/011010A1000100/687474703a2f2f7777772e796f75747562652e636f6d2f7761 7463683f666561747572653d706c617965725f64657461696c 7061676526763d6a4d3555576241552d4a73#t=147s)

Any affiliates haven't been paid, now you know where you money went.


David Dginguerian, Executive Producer

When it comes to bringing key elements together to produce a successful feature film, look no further than David Dginguerian whose business savvy and strong faith made him the perfect fit for Crossroad. Born and raised in Los Angeles, the hub of the entertainment industry, David started honing a natural knack for business early on in life building an impressive record of repeated entrepreneurial success. By the age of 35, he already owned a successful record label and one of the Top Restaurants in LA.

After producing several documentaries and hit music videos, David began looking for a feature film project with a strong message that would reflect his belief that with faith, anything is possible. In 2010, when Youssefian and Simonzad drove to his Pasadena office and personally dropped off a copy of the Crossroad script, he knew immediately that this was the "it" project he had been waiting for.

A genuine communicator with a keen eye for detail, David plans on using all of his resources (and some of his affiliates' money) to produce a powerful film that will impact audiences world-wide. Got to love people who write their own bios and blow more hot air and smoke up their asses then a california wild fire... " business early on in life building an impressive record of repeated entrepreneurial success. By the age of 35, he already owned a successful record label and one of the Top Restaurants in LA. After producing several documentaries and hit music videos.. " translated = I made a lot of money from porn and used that to play in mainstream, Tube sites killed my AVS business. I failed trying to adapt by starting my own tube site and cams so I screwed my cyberage affiliates out of the last little amount of money that was left. Now all the money I have left to my name is going into this stupid film.

Maybe Donny Long can help them out and be the "god" consultant.

What is with these people and movies and shit. Chris Mallick , Melissa MidWest, now SemiRetarded Dave.

10-25-2011, 01:28 PM
http://crossroadmovie.com/blog/2011/04/01/the-making-of-crossroad-part-1-video/ (http://proxify.com/p/011010A1000100/687474703a2f2f7777772e796f75747562652e636f6d2f7761 7463683f666561747572653d706c617965725f64657461696c 7061676526763d6a4d3555576241552d4a73#t=147s)

Any affiliates haven't been paid, now you know where you money went.


Got to love people who write their own bios and blow more hot air and smoke up their asses then a california wild fire... " business early on in life building an impressive record of repeated entrepreneurial success. By the age of 35, he already owned a successful record label and one of the Top Restaurants in LA. After producing several documentaries and hit music videos.. " translated = I made a lot of money from porn and used that to play in mainstream, Tube sites killed my AVS business. I failed trying to adapt by starting my own tube site and cams so I screwed my cyberage affiliates out of the last little amount of money that was left. Now all the money I have left to my name is going into this stupid film.

Maybe Donny Long can help them out and be the "god" consultant.

What is with these people and movies and shit. Chris Mallick , Melissa MidWest, now SemiRetarded Dave.
Where are his homies to step up and tell us all hes a top notch stand up guy?
Or is Stevie Lightspeed still suing people?

10-25-2011, 04:28 PM
I guess I'm one of the few still getting paid, although it's not enough to amount to anything. When I started hearing about others getting their accounts closed without explanation I shifted my AVS traffic to NetVerifier and am doing much better there than I ever did at CyberAge.

10-25-2011, 07:39 PM
I guess I'm one of the few still getting paid, although it's not enough to amount to anything. When I started hearing about others getting their accounts closed without explanation I shifted my AVS traffic to NetVerifier and am doing much better there than I ever did at CyberAge.

I hear SexKey is still paying and doing ok.

10-25-2011, 07:44 PM
This is too fucking funny:


When it comes to bringing key elements together to produce a successful TV Show, look no further than David Dginguerian whose business savvy and strong faith made him the perfect fit for Good Samaritans. Born and raised in Los Angeles, the hub of the entertainment industry, David started honing a natural knack for business early on in life building an impressive record of repeated entrepreneurial success. By the age of 35, he already owned a successful record label and one of the Top Restaurants in LA.
After producing several documentaries and hit music videos, David began looking for a feature film project with a strong message that would reflect his belief that with faith, anything is possible. In 2010, David is the Executive Producer for the film "Crossroad" which will be in theaters in 2012
A genuine communicator with a keen eye for detail, David plans on using all of his resources to produce this powerful TV Show "Good Samaritans" that will impact audiences world-wide. He thinks he is an "innovator" but he is always way late to the party. He tried to launch a "it's not a tube site" site (which was a basic tube site) about 3 years too late. He then tried to kick off a cam site about 10 years too late. Both deals he thought was going to be huge and innovative and I know he spent several tens of thousands on the crappy cam site, which failed.

Now he is talking about some "good samaritan " tv show, which has already done in the past exactly like he is explaining above.

The other thing to read is how these people toot their own horns so much, you would think the guy is donald trump after you read that BS bio when in reality he has failed on several things and sounds like he is rolling the dice on his last bit of money to do this stupid movie. The "christian" shit is also fucking hysterical. And that movie will never see the theaters, Mallick dropped 50M on his and it barely made the theaters, Dave's 100K or whatever movie wont even make it to DVD LOL

http://goodsamaritanstv.com/index.html LOL "Check your local listings for times" I did there was none LOL. I also like the CBS, NBC, ABC etc... logos, wow so he has the show running on ALL the networks LMAO. The kicker is the " Sponsor Ad Here". The guy just can't get out of "that' mind set. If you really did have a TV show that was on the major networks, you wouldn't be trying to sell banner ad space on the tv show's website LOLOLOLOL.....

What money Dave didn't blow on tube / cam site failed projects or blowing money on his wedding, toys and crap, he is now going to piss away everything he has left on more tv show / movie failures... almost sad... (almost).

10-25-2011, 07:59 PM
Coming soon from Cyber Age Dave.... www.powerplayer.com (http://www.powerplayer.com) "Internation Poker Site" I am sure the govt will like that one.... And another huge innovative product brought to you by Dave.... www.gumwraps.com (http://www.gumwraps.com) "gum wraps", next time you go to throw away your gum, he will sell you a piece of paper to wrap it in first!!! Seriously that has to be the stupidest thing I ever heard of.

How did this guy ever make any money....

10-27-2011, 10:01 AM
Coming soon from Cyber Age Dave.... www.powerplayer.com (http://www.powerplayer.com) "Internation Poker Site" I am sure the govt will like that one.... And another huge innovative product brought to you by Dave.... www.gumwraps.com (http://www.gumwraps.com) "gum wraps", next time you go to throw away your gum, he will sell you a piece of paper to wrap it in first!!! Seriously that has to be the stupidest thing I ever heard of.

How did this guy ever make any money....

Several of us made good money from AVS as part of a business plan.
They provided both traffic and revenue.

11-02-2011, 11:59 PM
Maybe Donny Long can help them out and be the "god" consultant.

What is with these people and movies and shit. Chris Mallick , Melissa MidWest, now SemiRetarded Dave.

Very old expression....................."Those that can't do...Teach."