View Full Version : Had to stop by and see Gonzo

Greg B
09-23-2011, 12:19 PM
Over the past year and a half I've been weeding out the adult sites. Reason being they no longer served the purposes I set them up for which was fighting the crooks in the comics industry.

Gonzo was one of the first pals I made online that was solid and honest. From day one.

I have a couple sites left up but use them for marketing, traffic, and legal issues. So many people are gone now and either died or moved to Miami.

I had to get rid of my last client in adult, a Russian based company because like most Russian companies and affiliate programs they constantly have problems no scientist could possibly figure out.

With that being said, I had to stop by and see Gonzo. Still in there fighting. If you guys notice that year after year, Gonzo has spotted the bad guys and been right every time. I can't count on how many times Gonzo sent out warnings to people and those that listened got out of Dodge and them that didn't ended up in the shit.

So I hadn't been posting on the boards in a long time because I kept seeing people hit with scam after scam or the new 'old boy crony' cliques not contributing anything but only causing people misery.

So for me I'm back to mainstream. I write for some adult stuff but that's all. Mainstream is getting way better and the skills I learned in adult pay off big no doubt about it. Also run into several old pornmeisters who've gone mainstream and it's good to see them applying their skills and it's like the good ol' days again before the tube sites and other nonsense.

Gonzo, we've seen the mighty rise and fall! However, I still say that the adult market was nowhere near as dishonest as mainstream was. That's changed a lot as outsiders came into the industry and fucked it all up.

Gonzo, hope to finally see you at the comic book shows! Lots of fun being had nowadays!

09-26-2011, 09:41 PM
Lots of changing going on around the biz. Lots new in, lots of old out. Just like always.

09-27-2011, 12:07 PM
Still like the cartoons, happy to see you.
(And we 'alls, still here....)

09-28-2011, 04:04 AM
Thanks for the kind words.
I was here when it began and Im not going anywhere.

I know thats sad news for all the douchebags like Assclown Bob Rice but its a fact!

Good to see you back in these parts.

Im still working. Just not vocal about it any longer.
Any hint or tip about how to do good seems just get people pissing in the well.

So Im quietly doing my own thing.