View Full Version : So, 4 more years of Obama?

05-02-2011, 12:27 AM
I am sure there are a few Republican / Bush apologists who are just shitting themselves today over the Bin Ladin news.

I wonder how this will play in the economy.

05-02-2011, 01:03 AM
Alex beat me to it. I know this is a porn biz forum, but this is just fucking amazing. Obama just cemented his presidency. He beat up Trump in a huge way and now this. Wow, just wow. No idea about how it will effect the economy but sometimes you just have to enjoy the moment and I am....fuck me this is amazing.

05-02-2011, 01:14 AM
I don't know if this has the legs to assure re-election, that's still 18 months away, but it certainly will help.

05-02-2011, 01:30 AM
I don't know if this has the legs to assure re-election, that's still 18 months away, but it certainly will help.
I think it is a defining moment and it guarantees his re election. It is the biggest headline on the planet.

05-02-2011, 01:38 AM
I don't know if this has the legs to assure re-election, that's still 18 months away, but it certainly will help.

Think of the campaign statement: Would you vote for the party that brought you wars they could not win, a failing economy... a party unable to finish what they started... or would you vote for Obama, the President that got the US out of the hole, saved GM and Chrysler and tens of thousands of jobs, and took out Bin Ladin, effectively chopping the head off the world's terrorist organizations?

Even the Republican faithful would have a hard time figuring out how to beat this situation. This is a capper, the proof of a "get it done" attitude that didn't come with a ton of fanfare and bullshit tossing press conferences (a la Shrub Bush), but rather someone who quietly and effectively lead the country to complete a mission that is near and dear to the hearts of people on all sides of the political spectrum.

My feeling is that it is all up from here. Gold and Silver are already taking a beating, oil futures are falling, and all this before the US even gets to work on a Monday morning. From there, the US dollar should start to pick up the slack, and by the time we get to the next Presidential election, it should be clear that Obama pulled the US out of the shit and got rid of the #1 most wanted man in the world while doing it.

You don't think that counts for something? Or are you waiting for the long form death certificate that Trump is probably asking for? ;)

05-02-2011, 11:34 AM
If Obama plays it right yes...but 18 months is a long time. The biggest factor is the weak field of republican retards, Trump? Palin? Please they are morons and unelectable.

If Obama restores rights, gets the oil, brings our guys home and uses the money saved to attack the economy in a positive way yes he could ride this to victory

but 18 months is a long time in politics.

05-02-2011, 12:59 PM
This would have had to have happened in Oct 2012 to have any real ramifications on Obama's re-election.

05-02-2011, 01:20 PM
This would have had to have happened in Oct 2012 to have any real ramifications on Obama's re-election.

100% agreed, also kudos to obama for NOT doing that when he likely could have.

05-02-2011, 04:18 PM
The way I see it. The first two years of a new president's term is when he does all the unpopular things that need doing and God knows he took over a nightmare. The last two years, he is experienced and presidential and the campaign begins. Obama the woos has become Obama the President in one short weekend. He humiliated Donald Trump and probably eliminated him from the field. He quietly proved he was the leader of a powerful nation, which both the left and the right want. And he did it without bullying the world. I think he is a skillful diplomat which will be his long suit in the election.

Hell Puppy
05-02-2011, 11:43 PM
Dont overestimate the American attention span...

By election time next year, what will dictate whether he gets re-elected will be a combination of gas prices, unemployment and the economy.

We're an ornery bunch when we do not have any money and it costs over $100 to fill the tanks on our pickups and SUVs.

Fix it, and he's solid. Don't fix it, and it wont really matter who runs against him. Americans do not elect the best candidate anymore, we simply vote out the people who piss us off and hope the next bastard is better.

05-03-2011, 12:37 AM
Ah, who cares about all that. The more important news is that the Bloc Quebecois is finally out!! ;)

05-03-2011, 01:05 AM
Dont overestimate the American attention span...

By election time next year, what will dictate whether he gets re-elected will be a combination of gas prices, unemployment and the economy.

We're an ornery bunch when we do not have any money and it costs over $100 to fill the tanks on our pickups and SUVs.

Fix it, and he's solid. Don't fix it, and it wont really matter who runs against him. Americans do not elect the best candidate anymore, we simply vote out the people who piss us off and hope the next bastard is better.
It will certainly be about the price of gas. I have a feeling something is in the works in that department. Time to lean on scumbags who artificially inflate the price of gasoline. This could be a game changer.

05-03-2011, 01:06 AM
Ah, who cares about all that. The more important news is that the Bloc Quebecois is finally out!! ;)
WIPE OUT....I love it.

05-03-2011, 03:52 PM
Ah, who cares about all that. The more important news is that the Bloc Quebecois is finally out!! ;)

Damn straight. One of my neighbors refers to himself as a "pur et dur" seperatist, and even he voted for the NDP. He couldn't see the use of the BQ being around anymore.

Canada finally breaks out of a stupid gridlock, only to end up with Harper. He is sort of like Shrub Bush with all the good parts removed.

05-04-2011, 11:11 AM
100% agreed, also kudos to obama for NOT doing that when he likely could have.

Undoubtedly he could've.

Bush turned down opportunities to kill or capture Obama more than once.

05-04-2011, 01:05 PM
This would have had to have happened in Oct 2012 to have any real ramifications on Obama's re-election.

Depends how he weaves it into his public relations over the next year, starting with his appearance at Ground Zero this week, and "arcing" it with his attendance at the tenth anniversary on Sept. 11...

Also depends on how things pan out post-Osama. Is this the beginning of the end for the counter-productive, over-expensive and lie-based wars in the middle-east? Or will they be ramped up following some other 9/11-type event?

Either way would be good for his chances. Pulling out of the middle-east would help the economy, return soliders home, and make him the "peace prez" - and another WTC would once again whip up the mindless jingo-patriotiism that somehow and perversely made Bush's popularity go from historical-record lows to soar insanely and stamped the first decade of this millenium with his ugly presidency.

Ah, who cares about all that. The more important news is that the Bloc Quebecois is finally out!! ;)

Yes! Dead weight and good riddance...

However, "Governor" Harper is more "in" than ever....


05-04-2011, 02:15 PM
and the announcement wiped out Celebrity Apprentice....impeccable timing.

05-05-2011, 12:40 PM
Mediaguy, I think you have it right. Obama now has the "moral authority" to properly pull the plug on the significantly unpopular "War in the 'stans", while also having the moral high ground on being able to cut off Pakistan and others from support money. That will play well, as Bring The Boys Back Home is one of the better themes for any sitting President.

If the US draws down to about half the current forces in the area, and "plans" to pull the rest out in a reasonable time frame, the public will be all for it. Obama will also be able to use a sort of peace benefit to work on balancing the budgeting going forward, as they will be able to pull some funding away from the military because they are using less expendables in the field, and can get rid of the stop lossing that has kept the force larger than it would have been otherwise.

It all plays very well for Obama. Mission actually accomplished, getting on the sunny side of the 10 year memorial of 9/11, and being able to show progress on run away military spending. The Republicans will be very hard pressed to find a candidate that could beat that "record". Palin sure wouldn't pull it off, Trump has already birthered himself out of the running, and the rest of the potential candidates are no-names and retreads.

4 more years of Obama, and then maybe Clinton II. :)

05-05-2011, 12:58 PM
911 seems like only yesterday, but.....

05-06-2011, 01:49 PM
Ah, who cares about all that. The more important news is that the Bloc Quebecois is finally out!! ;)

Now you're talking real politics here:okthumb::rolleyes:

05-07-2011, 09:06 PM
Remember, George Bush the first won the first gulf war, and then lost the election, shortly thereafter.
I remember thinking to myself; "he just clinched the election!" Boy, was I wrong. Slick Willy was the result.

05-08-2011, 11:09 AM
Remember, George Bush the first won the first gulf war, and then lost the election, shortly thereafter.
I remember thinking to myself; "he just clinched the election!" Boy, was I wrong. Slick Willy was the result.

Yeah, it seemed America had a brief moment of clarity. Bush won the battle and lost the war.

05-08-2011, 01:36 PM
Remember, George Bush the first won the first gulf war, and then lost the election, shortly thereafter.
I remember thinking to myself; "he just clinched the election!" Boy, was I wrong. Slick Willy was the result.

Bush Sr was on his 12th year of running things (VP then P), and made the fatal "no new taxes" statement that he just could not maintain.

Also, he didn't win the first gulf war, because Saddam was still running Iraq. Bush pretty much failed.

05-08-2011, 07:37 PM
Bush Sr was on his 12th year of running things (VP then P), and made the fatal "no new taxes" statement that he just could not maintain.

Also, he didn't win the first gulf war, because Saddam was still running Iraq. Bush pretty much failed.

I have to agree had he simply gone the few extra miles, taken baghdad and killed saddam then got the fuck OUT look at the mess he wouldnt have left......

05-08-2011, 07:38 PM
then maybe he would have been re-elected and we wouldnt have had to endure the result of the sperm that SHOULD have been shot into a condom or something.

05-08-2011, 08:01 PM
Bush did not take Baghdad because America was part of a coalition of nations working under a Security Council authorization to remove the Iraqis from Kuwait, not to occupy Iraq.

05-08-2011, 08:42 PM
and look what happened when his kid did it. a total mess

05-11-2011, 02:20 AM
Yea...what they said.

05-11-2011, 04:51 PM
Not certain why most people point this towards his re-election campaign, the man said he would go after him, told us where he would look, and he did it. I know it's hard to believe when a politician actually does something they said they would do, gotta be some kinda motive right. But 10 years is a long time to hide, only problem is death was too good for him, he should have suffered miserably for a long while first...

05-11-2011, 04:53 PM
Not certain why most people point this towards his re-election campaign, the man said he would go after him, told us where he would look, and he did it. I know it's hard to believe when a politician actually does something they said they would do, gotta be some kinda motive right. But 10 years is a long time to hide, only problem is death was too good for him, he should have suffered miserably for a long while first...
:okthumb: +1 [as google is going to be saying very soon]

06-22-2011, 01:52 PM
Ah, who cares about all that. The more important news is that the Bloc Quebecois is finally out!! ;)

I'm thrilled that these fuckers are gone, but unfortunately I think it's too late for us anglo's. I walked into a restaurant for breakfast last week and the server spoke to me in french and handed me a french only menu. When I asked to be served in English, she said in french "Pourquoi devrais-je?", followed by "Why should I?" in english.

She then went on to say to another waitress what I think was "Je vais lui facturer plus (something, something) anglais", which means "I'm going to charge him more because he's English".

My french is really bad so I could have been wrong about the last statement, but no matter. English people will always be treated like shit by the disappointed separatists.

No breakfast for me.

06-22-2011, 03:24 PM
come to vancouver and if you think your french is bad, try out the local Chinese dialects

06-22-2011, 03:47 PM
come to vancouver and if you think your french is bad, try out the local Chinese dialects

Tim Hortons still sux.

06-22-2011, 03:50 PM
Tim Hortons still sux.

Since I moved to Vancouver, I have reformed. No more Tims. I now have my own Sixbucks card.