View Full Version : Google Shifts Toward Content Creation

03-08-2011, 07:27 AM
Wonder if this bodes well for content creators and SE results?


03-08-2011, 08:56 AM
NNN looks like the American idol of internet broadcasting.
I always learn so much when I come here, you should charge an entrance fee. :)

03-08-2011, 09:39 AM
Actually, this could be the moment when Google world is rocked by anti-trust charges. They control too much of the search market, the largest of all tubes, and now they want to control content too?

See you in Washington Sergei!

03-08-2011, 12:49 PM
Hey google isnt near the threat that comcast is.......

One thing I have noticed about google, they have really done some innovative shit....from google earth to streetmaps to google sky and google goggles this is stuff that has FAR reaching implications.

For example if googles face recognition technology gets better, as it should whats to stop you from seeing a hot girl, snapping a pic she isnt aware of and getting her facebook info which leads to getting other info, like her name and address...then using google earth to see her hood and street views to see her house...I see big privacy issues with that one

03-08-2011, 08:15 PM
whats to stop you from seeing a hot girl, snapping a pic she isnt aware of and getting her facebook info which leads to getting other info, like her name and address...then using google earth to see her hood and street views to see her house...I see big privacy issues with that one

Whaaa? ...:unsure: ... you mean I can't do that anymore???

03-09-2011, 07:27 AM
Hey google isnt near the threat that comcast is.......

One thing I have noticed about google, they have really done some innovative shit....from google earth to streetmaps to google sky and google goggles this is stuff that has FAR reaching implications.

For example if googles face recognition technology gets better, as it should whats to stop you from seeing a hot girl, snapping a pic she isnt aware of and getting her facebook info which leads to getting other info, like her name and address...then using google earth to see her hood and street views to see her house...I see big privacy issues with that one

I think everyone wants their 15 like Andy Warhol said... but they want it daily. Look at where google is and then look at the new foursquare release today.

Overshare is being monitized.