View Full Version : Cyber Wars...MasterCard hammered

12-08-2010, 03:58 PM
NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- MasterCard's corporate website was inaccessible because of an apparent cyberattack Wednesday, but the credit card company said that its cards are still functioning.

A tweet on Twitter indicated a possible tie to a recent MasterCard move against WikiLeaks, the website that recently released thousands of secret U.S. State Department documents, but that could not be confirmed.

"The issue appears to be the result of a concentrated effort to flood our corporate website with traffic and slow access," said company spokesman James Issokson, in a prepared statement. "We are working to restore normal service levels."

Issokson said the hack attack did not affect the use of credit cards or financial security.

But Adam Levin, consumer credit and privacy expert for Credit.com, said that it's cause for alarm for credit card holders, who should "religiously monitor their accounts daily for signs of fraudulent activity."

"In reality, no accounts are completely safe from economic terrorism," said Levin. "The sophistication level of hackers grows geometrically by the day."
