View Full Version : Are picture sites finished?

11-16-2010, 11:11 AM
I am in the middle of production at the moment and shooting nothing but videos.. I have been producing videos since the beginning and its now really paying off. Is anyone still doing picture only sites and is there still a future in them?

11-16-2010, 11:15 AM
I still see quite a few fetish niche sites where high quality photos are the primary content, but they all also offer some video content. I haven't seen any new sites, with exclusive content, offering only photos in quite some time.

11-16-2010, 11:44 AM
We've always done both pictures and video, but the pictures have always been secondary. People tend to join our sites for the quality video content.

Fetish style sites are a bit different as a lot of people into all that like the high quality images as much of what happens with the "Fetish Posing" just doesn't translate well to video. But that really depends on the Fetish involved. Some people like the outfits and high-end toys, others could care loess about that and just want to see action.

There will always be a demand for well shot images, but it is becoming it's own style of niche.

11-16-2010, 12:39 PM
There are people who still like pictures. especially if its not hardcore. I know a very very very niche site who does well and all he has are pictures no video.

11-16-2010, 01:09 PM
Still good for promotion IMHO. And certain niches really need them IE- glamuor model type sites.

11-16-2010, 02:20 PM
Still good for promotion IMHO. And certain niches really need them IE- glamuor model type sites.

You don't know how often as a blog writer I have to skip a program or a site because they don't have decent promotional stills for a scene. These guys have the original video (shot in some form of HD) how much would it kill them to pull 10 or 20 frames out of it so that we have some decent sized stills to work from? Tiny little 300x200 video capture thumbs are NOT going to work.

Still images are important parts of the promotional process, those programs and producers who understand this will benefit from the extra exposure and sales. As part of a paysite, they are at best a free bonus for must subjects, except perhaps very niche fetish stuff.

11-16-2010, 07:00 PM
Here is an example of what can be pulled off of HD as a vidcap and it can be bigger. That was from an interlaced image and I am now shooting only progressive, so it should look better.

11-16-2010, 09:50 PM
Here is an example of what can be pulled off of HD as a vidcap and it can be bigger. That was from an interlaced image and I am now shooting only progressive, so it should look better.

Ive been surprised at the consumers interest in a site based around the photography of a well known magazine editor.

Still a lot of interest. PAYING interest. ANd that looks like our vegas hostess Audrey in that pic.

11-16-2010, 09:51 PM
Ive been surprised at the consumers interest in a site based around the photography of a well known magazine editor.

Still a lot of interest. PAYING interest. ANd that looks like our vegas hostess Audrey in that pic.
It could well be...so guess the hotel.

11-17-2010, 03:07 AM
It could well be...so guess the hotel.

Those guys are so nice.
If i think about it long enough Ill remember where she said she shot that year.

Evil Chris
11-17-2010, 12:15 PM
The floor decor suggests The Venetian to me, but I don't recognize the red furniture.
Maybe I've never been in the higher-end rooms, though. ;)

11-17-2010, 04:49 PM
Evil Chris wins the prize.

11-20-2010, 09:34 AM
I am in the middle of production at the moment and shooting nothing but videos.. I have been producing videos since the beginning and its now really paying off. Is anyone still doing picture only sites and is there still a future in them?

the members of AnoreiCollins.com complained when I gave them too much video one month, and apparently not enough photos. My guys want both - video and photos but some of them made sure we knew that they were there for the photos. just sayin.

11-20-2010, 01:28 PM
Personally I like photos better and I hardly ever watch video on any kind of website other than Netflix but I am an oddball that way, I don't even watch teh YouTubes. HeavyB has a program to batch capture and export screenshots which we have used to make pics for blogging and promotion, which would be awesome if he could get me to shoot any lately...

That pic brings up happy memories though ;)

11-20-2010, 01:34 PM
Personally I like photos better and I hardly ever watch video on any kind of website other than Netflix but I am an oddball that way, I don't even watch teh YouTubes. HeavyB has a program to batch capture and export screenshots which we have used to make pics for blogging and promotion, which would be awesome if he could get me to shoot any lately...

That pic brings up happy memories though ;)

It's time to get naked girl! :)

11-20-2010, 06:44 PM
Personally I like photos better and I hardly ever watch video on any kind of website other than Netflix but I am an oddball that way, I don't even watch teh YouTubes. HeavyB has a program to batch capture and export screenshots which we have used to make pics for blogging and promotion, which would be awesome if he could get me to shoot any lately...

That pic brings up happy memories though ;)

Me too Audrey....that was fun. Remember the night at the bar with Lizz? You girls brought down the house.

12-14-2010, 02:58 PM
Me too Audrey....that was fun. Remember the night at the bar with Lizz? You girls brought down the house.
Sorry I didn't see this sooner. . . :waving: We had so much fun. . . lets do it again real soon. I will be in Vegas January for the convention. :okthumb:


12-15-2010, 01:17 PM
Audrey and Lizz together.

I hereby invite myself to whatever get together you are at in a few weeks ;)

12-15-2010, 04:35 PM
Audrey and Lizz together.

I hereby invite myself to whatever get together you are at in a few weeks ;)
You just don't know how much fun that is, J. Some of the nicest, enthusiastic people you ever want to shoot porn and hang out with.

12-16-2010, 02:47 AM
You just don't know how much fun that is, J. Some of the nicest, enthusiastic people you ever want to shoot porn and hang out with.

OH I can imagine!

I've hung with Audrey and B a few times in Vegas now... More good times are ahead!

12-17-2010, 10:50 AM
Zoe and I are free all day Saturday!!!
Sunday we will be hitting the convention in our crazy costumes!!! Would love to hang out there too and are looking for a photographer : )


12-17-2010, 12:46 PM
San Fran. could be the show of 2011.

12-17-2010, 02:49 PM
San Fran. could be the show of 2011.

I haven't been to the San Fran show before but from what I am hearing and reading elsewhere...I have to agree.:clapping:

12-17-2010, 04:50 PM
San Fran. could be the show of 2011.
S.F. is my home town and I have never been to that event. . . is that nuts or what? I gotta definitely go in 2011 :okthumb:


01-03-2011, 05:02 AM
As said already it really depends on the niche...

With 3D Toons Photos seem to be enough to keep the surfers satisfied, most sites that do 'have' videos are merely short (very short) clips, or loops, and a very small handful have either bought/leased the rights to the 4 full length 3D Toon movies or "found" them and put them on their sites :(

I have about 80 or so video clips ranging from 1 min - 3 mins, and IF I can help it I'll NOT be making any more any time soon, the shit just takes WAY too long, and well, to be blunt, most companies don't want to pay what my time would be worth to make more (or longer) videos.

Perfect example: one GOOD 3 min video clip takes about 2 weeks from setup to final render, what would most buyers want to pay for that? (about $10 - $30 tops), soooo I'm worth $5 - $15.00 per week???

All joking aside, depending on the niche (such as toons) pictures only CAN and DO still work. (BUT you better have a gooood archive of content and lots of updates!)


01-15-2011, 04:14 PM
How we doin!!!

01-17-2011, 09:26 PM
Gonzo....make it stop.

01-20-2011, 05:06 AM
When it's time to rub one out, 95% of the time I'm looking at a photo.

And it doesn't have to be a perfectly well lit or well shot photo. It just has to satisfy my need at the moment for whatever fantasy I've cooked up in my head. I can only assume this is why the explosion of GF sites happened... the more believable the photo, the better the fantasy.

01-20-2011, 08:15 AM
You hit one point though: Photos require that the person enjoying them put in some of their own fantasy into the situation. Video on the other hand often sort of plays out in a way that tells you the story, instead of allowing you to add your own preferences into the game.

A good still image is worth 1000 words, and even better if 500 of them is in your own mind.

01-20-2011, 11:44 AM
I finished that solid month of production and shot enough product to launch two new sites that are being designed at the moment. All video. My little box is rendering 24/7. Shooting next week for a few days....all video. I think that's it for me for serious photo volume. I tried to buy photo content....it was deadly. So many content shops folded and so much junk left. It seems very few made a switch to video and mostly very limited choice.
I chuckle over this stills to video discussion because it is eerily like the silent to talkie film debate.