View Full Version : HELP !!! ...Hosting Affiliates

10-27-2010, 01:03 PM
I'd like to ask if anyone here knows or is familiar with a good inexpensive hosting company that has a decent affiliate program I can make a few long term bucks with?
I got wrapped up with some left winged Govt dipshits here and I mentioned I've messed around with web mastering stuff a few years back, and now they're asking me to assist them with a heavy video & radio feed website appending with blogs, this needs to include hosting with Facebook & twitter guidance. (My mouth is too big, i never should have said anything to them.) ...lol.

Anyway I did a Google search but I'm not familiar with any of the hosting companies I found, and I'm not even sure if I trust what they offer and say anymore. They suggested spending between 50 to 100 bucks maybe a year to start. Dunno if that's to cheap for yall's blood? But I thought I'd ask here @ OP anyway. Keep in mind that "HERE" everything is about 10 years behind what you guys are used to in the states, and since its a Govt site it should be a long term customer contract for the hosting company I suggest.

Any suggestion plz? I need to give them a price for hosting by this afternoon. :unsure:

10-27-2010, 01:10 PM
Heavy video and radio feed does not mix well with inexpensive hosting. Quality hosting will pay for itself. My advice, do it right or don't do it at all.

10-27-2010, 01:18 PM
Heavy video and radio feed does not mix well with inexpensive hosting. Quality hosting will pay for itself. My advice, do it right or don't do it at all.

That fine with me Toby. They suggested that price, it doesn't mean its what they are willing to pay. I'm sure you all know how the game is played correct? I mean I just need to show them some numbers this afternoon and see if they are interested. But if they say yes, then I will need to present then with a hosting name and link. regardless of price. I can explain to them that since its a video/radio site that it'll cost more for what they bargained. and I'm sure they will understand.

10-27-2010, 01:20 PM
I would like a Ferrari. I want one with all the bells and whistles, I want unlimited gas, tires, and mechnical repairs, and I want it all for three easy payments of $19.99.


10-27-2010, 01:24 PM
I would like a Ferrari. I want one with all the bells and whistles, I want unlimited gas, tires, and mechnical repairs, and I want it all for three easy payments of $19.99.


This is third world politics people RawAlex. your comment would not surprise me to hear someone ask that here. LOL

10-27-2010, 02:33 PM
A lot of hosting companies won't take government websites (or opposition sites) because they are often the targets of DDoS attacks and such. They are really dreaming, they need good solid, reliable hosting from someone use to taking the heat, not from random resellers of resellers or resellers of 1&1.

10-27-2010, 03:08 PM

10-27-2010, 03:53 PM
A lot of hosting companies won't take government websites (or opposition sites) because they are often the targets of DDoS attacks and such. They are really dreaming, they need good solid, reliable hosting from someone use to taking the heat, not from random resellers of resellers or resellers of 1&1.

Understood. Thanks for explaining. :)

11-03-2010, 11:11 PM
This is third world politics people RawAlex. your comment would not surprise me to hear someone ask that here. LOL

Just where the fuck are you at now? What the fuck happened? You had to leave the states?

What the fuck did you go and do now RCourt?

11-04-2010, 02:03 AM
I'm in South America hangin' with Castro, Corea, and Chavez, and a 10 year old talent to technology. LOL
No I didn't do anything wrong in the U.S. I'm still an red blooded American. But I just wanted to get out for a few months and visit people and family I haven't seen in 20 years. But to my surprise allot of things have changed on this site of the equator. Socialist Democrats are the fad here today. and the food is delicious. OM NOM NOM !!!

This picture was taken a few weeks ago when the president got kidnapped by the national police dept. HAHAHA !

Yeah, it's pretty cool down here.



11-04-2010, 11:03 AM
Well, I hope you manage to stay alive and out of prison.