View Full Version : Trafficcashgold - more than 1 week down

09-18-2010, 08:53 AM
This has got to be one of the weirder situations I have seen.

About a week ago, TCG turned red in stats remote. I thought it was a little odd, and went looking. Couldn't log in. The whole program was actually gone (although all the sites are working), no program page, nothing. Then the main program page returned, but nobody could log in.

TCG people (including Jay) have said had a DB issue for user logins and are working to fix it. Finally, they said they were going to upgrade the entire system (I am guess to the same software as their other programs), so that this sort of thing didn't happen again.

A week later, we are at the same point. Program sites are running, program main page shows, logins don't work.

I wouldn't say that I currently very actively promote their program, in part because many of their sites went into episode repeats about a year ago, but I do have plenty of older pages out there generating some traffic and occasional sales.

I guess for me, the question is: How long would you accept a program as "down" before it becomes "down for the count"?

09-18-2010, 10:51 AM
I'm in pretty much the same boat, haven't actively pushed them in some time but still have some links and galleries out there. Used to do well with them, but the sites stopped converting quite some time ago.

After a week of the program being inaccessible I think I'm ready to delete those remaining galleries and links. It's obviously not a high priority for them or it would be fixed already.

Greg B
09-18-2010, 12:14 PM
Another one bites the dust.

09-18-2010, 02:57 PM
THey just increased the bottom line but turning off the program.
I suspect you will see lots more of this.

Greg B
09-19-2010, 03:37 AM
THey just increased the bottom line but turning off the program.
I suspect you will see lots more of this.

You're going to see alot more of companies folding, even some of the giants.

This industry has degraded from people making money to pay medical and college bills into a major international racket that eats itself up from the inside.

There was a time when webmasters would stick together but them days are gone. Now it's dog eat dog just like the rest of the business world.

With the new taxes on online purchases and sales looming you'll see the end of the web as we know it. The only thing it will be good for is buying second hand stuff, music, and upgrading useless software.

With the increase of digital crime it will soon overwhelm the safeguards bringing the web to a standstill and unsafe to manage. As engineers move away, the old databases will be left unguarded and criminals will have a bonanza.

It's human nature to turn on one's own and devour them. It's not a matter of 'if' it's just a matter of 'when'.

The only solution for the coming global computer storm will be to shut down the web and start over, a major reboot, but this time with more uniform and secure safeguards. A new way of writing software and more. At it's present state of decay the web will be invalidated in a few years. The U.S. Govt. needs over 30,000 cyber warriors to prevent attacks and they ain't gonna get them.

09-20-2010, 09:59 AM
I pulled all their links yesterday. It wasn't a big deal as I haven't actively promoted them in ages.

09-23-2010, 12:02 PM
Damn.. long time program....

10-01-2010, 05:02 PM
when i first started in this biz there was a new aff program every week it seemed

10-01-2010, 06:28 PM
when i first started in this biz there was a new aff program every week it seemed

Now, apparently, there is one less every week.

10-02-2010, 10:49 AM
...and the story continues....

Now they are moving to NATS.

I would be speculating, but I have a feeling that the database issues that got them made it difficult if not impossible for them to recover much of the historical data, which would be one of the few reasons to stay on an in house system. I wouldn't be shocked if the guy(s) responsible for the in house system were let go or otherwise chased out of the building during this fiasco. The costs of maintaining an in house system (staff) in these challenging times just isn't justified by very many programs. NATS (or MPA, or other) just seems to be a better way to go.

On the downside, the usual NATS switch makes it very likely that older galleries will stop working, or will be lost, or coding issues will make them harder to use, or unavailable, etc. I will reserve judgement at this point, but I have a feeling that any old links that aren't already removed will likely become meaningless anyway.

More news as it becomes available, the TCG people are not being very good about communicating at this point, I am not sure why.

10-14-2010, 01:01 PM
So here we are, almost a month later....


I don't think you can log in or anything, but they do appear to be working on it. Just very slowly.

10-19-2010, 11:08 AM
Remarkably, it looks like they have their full NATS actually set up:


just updated today with the full design and all. Someone has been working hard. No logon yet, but it won't be long, I suspect.

10-19-2010, 11:59 AM
Remarkably, it looks like they have their full NATS actually set up:


just updated today with the full design and all. Someone has been working hard. No logon yet, but it won't be long, I suspect.
huh???? Nothing there at all on mulitple browsers.

10-19-2010, 12:12 PM
huh???? Nothing there at all on mulitple browsers.

extra www. in the link, try this one


10-19-2010, 01:12 PM
extra www. in the link, try this one


Why anyone uses NATS now with the new CCBill is beyond me.