View Full Version : What became of Shallee Hale?

09-14-2010, 05:52 AM

09-20-2010, 04:07 PM
FREEHOLD, N.J. — The state Supreme Court has agreed to decide whether blogger Shellee Hale, who was sued by Too Much Media for defamation over her online postings, can raise New Jersey’s statutory protection of news reporters’ sources and editorial processes.
The court will hear Hale’s interlocutory appeal, “limited only to those issues relating to the New Jersey Shield Law and the 1st Amendment.”

“I am not surprised that the Supreme Court may want to define who is and is not considered media for the purpose of the Shield Law,” Too Much Media attorney Joel Kreizman told XBIZ. “I am confident whatever the definition of media may be, that Shellee Hale and her posts on a message board will not fit within that definition.”

An appellate judge last April affirmed an earlier court ruling that the state’s shield law doesn’t apply to Hale, even though she runs a website reporting on technical and criminal activity in the adult entertainment industry.

The court found the shield law inapplicable to online posters not engaged in gathering or disseminating news and that Hale “exhibited none of the recognized qualities or characteristics traditionally associated with the news process, nor has she demonstrated an established connection or affiliation with any news entity" when she posted statements on another site that were critical of Too Much Media, which markets NATS.

Hale is being sued over statements she posted on Oprano.com, accusing Too Much Media of fraud and "illegal and unethical use of technology," violating New Jersey's Identity Theft Protection Act.

Hale called herself a journalist she was gathering information about an Internet security breach at the company. Hale posted on a website that Too Much Media failed to inform customers of a security breach because she alleged it was making money off of it.

"We are left with a position that anyone who says, under oath, 'I am a journalist' is thereby to receive the benefit of the Shield Law," Kreizman said. "It matters nil that the person makes that affirmation has no credibility."

Hale's lawyer, Jeffrey Pollock, urged the court to review the case, arguing in his May 21 brief that the published appeals court ruling "has now shattered the Shield Law's broad reach."


09-22-2010, 07:18 PM
There should be no need of a Shield Law in a society that claims free speech as a birthright.

10-01-2010, 07:46 AM

From her Twitter page:

"Bio PI,FBI-CAAA, Infragard, CAS, Anti-terrorism Specialist, Activist, Analytical/Psychic Strategist, Wife and Mother - Red Cross, Findme2, WALI, NCISS, NWU, SPJ."

She is also a "Psychic Crime Fighter" now



That's actually all amusing, and none of my business, but it both pisses me off and alarms me to see her also touting herself as an Infosec professional. The poor woman can't even run her own Windows box properly! I got to know her pretty well during the couple of years I did work for her, and she is TOTALLY clueless when it comes to computers, networks, and software, yet touts herself as an Infosec expert - and she is (indeed) rich, charming, and well connected (even neighbors with Steve Ballmer) which I find dangerous . . . if she gets the ear of some equally clueless CEO someplace, some serious damage is liable to ensue. I put food on the table (and sometimes even make very decent money!) working through this network of networks . . . people with more money than brains in Infosec are much too hazardous to the network.


10-01-2010, 01:02 PM
Wow.. going to the NJ supreme court.. will be itneresting to see the result...

10-11-2010, 02:45 PM
Wow.. going to the NJ supreme court.. will be itneresting to see the result...

I will be paying attention...