View Full Version : Family Tree of Industry Thieves ?

08-22-2010, 10:26 PM
Im sure this will get deleted off of GFY so I figured Id post it here.


Look whos right there on top but our old buddy self proclaimed industry ICON Bob Rice.

Heres his ex employer Honest Glenn from incredible Dollars in trouble for yet another credit card scam


I dont know who random creepy guy is maybe someone else does?



08-23-2010, 07:23 PM
We need a few more of these.

LIke the tube tree and maybe one that goes way back from the start circa 1998.


08-23-2010, 07:45 PM
6 degrees of porn, pretty much everyone ends up on the paper.

The real "crime" (not criminal, just bad) is that guys have been buying up programs and hiding out, not admitting who the beneficial owners are. Instead, they use old programs that they quietly purchase as blinds and fronts to operate out of.

You never know who you are really dealing with, except that more and more often it is someone who isn't interesting in this business lasting 10 minutes longer than it takes them to make a roll of cash.

08-24-2010, 10:49 AM
6 degrees of porn, pretty much everyone ends up on the paper.

Not all of us.
But I can see how some honest guys could get accidentally caught up some slickster's bullshit.

But I've noticed some people that have been around a while, and they all seem to be good honest guys.

Just a few off the top of my head.....Toby, Danny, Farrel, Mof, Jay, and, of course, our esteemed host, Gonzo. I sure don't agree with some of their sponsors, but they certainly seem to have been honest guys over the years. And that shouldn't be considered a complete list, as there are many others that aren't occurring to my addled mind, this early in the AM.

But I get your sentiment.

08-24-2010, 12:43 PM
Not all of us.
But I can see how some honest guys could get accidentally caught up some slickster's bullshit.

But I've noticed some people that have been around a while, and they all seem to be good honest guys.

Just a few off the top of my head.....Toby, Danny, Farrel, Mof, Jay, and, of course, our esteemed host, Gonzo. I sure don't agree with some of their sponsors, but they certainly seem to have been honest guys over the years. And that shouldn't be considered a complete list, as there are many others that aren't occurring to my addled mind, this early in the AM.

But I get your sentiment.

EJ, honestly, do you really think that? think of Jay (sorry to use you Jay, but you are a good example). Bob Rice is YNOT Bob. So it is exactly one line from YNOT Bob to YNOT Jay, if you know what I mean. 6 degrees you can connect anyone in porn with anyone (and for that matter, 6 degrees you can almost connect Ron Jeremy with Mylie Cyrus... if you think about it!).

You may feel snow white, but in reality, in the porn world, you are never more than a few steps away from a cesspool of fecal matter.

08-24-2010, 12:51 PM
EJ, honestly, do you really think that? think of Jay (sorry to use you Jay, but you are a good example). Bob Rice is YNOT Bob. So it is exactly one line from YNOT Bob to YNOT Jay, if you know what I mean. 6 degrees you can connect anyone in porn with anyone (and for that matter, 6 degrees you can almost connect Ron Jeremy with Mylie Cyrus... if you think about it!).

You may feel snow white, but in reality, in the porn world, you are never more than a few steps away from a cesspool of fecal matter.

So, let me see if I've got this right.
By your logic, Gonzo is a crooked bastard if he accepts advertising for this board from some guy that has a thief as an affiliate?

And as for your cesspool, that's why they make boots.

08-24-2010, 01:18 PM
So, let me see if I've got this right.
By your logic, Gonzo is a crooked bastard if he accepts advertising for this board from some guy that has a thief as an affiliate?

And as for your cesspool, that's why they make boots.

Ive taken advertising in the past from people that turned out to be rotten.

I have also turned down advertising in the past when I knew they were rotten.

We work with some filthy motherfuckers.

the graphic above just connects a few dots.

And the creepy guy in the picture is none other than HONEST GLENN!

08-24-2010, 04:07 PM
You got it right Gonzo. We deal with people we think are good, and they turn out to be rotten. We choose not to deal with people who are rotten.

However, it doesn't mean that every person we would with has the same high standards. We can deal with someone who isn't rotten, but many of the people they do work with are. We are only one step away from them, and in a connect the dots type of scenerio, we are all only a couple of connections away from something putrid. Even EJ, who seems to think he is made of teflon or something... ;)

08-25-2010, 02:02 PM
We are only one step away from them, and in a connect the dots type of scenerio, we are all only a couple of connections away from something putrid. Even EJ, who seems to think he is made of teflon or something... ;)

Teflon EJ? Man, I don't know about that.
I try...but the local Government doesn't see it that way.
They don't like "pornographers."

I have managed to convince the voters I'm OK though. They re-elected me to a 4 year term.

(It's a SMALL town.....)

08-30-2010, 01:06 PM
Yeah unfortunately most of us are one or two degrees away from it all and not by choice.

03-11-2011, 02:29 PM

More faces to put with names


03-11-2011, 11:27 PM
He done pissed some people off.

03-16-2011, 08:58 AM