View Full Version : Score one for the freaks

07-23-2010, 09:37 AM
Members of the Westboro Baptist Church—best known for picketing the funerals of American servicemen killed overseas—showed up at Comic-Con just as they said they would to protest the event because they wanted to send a message that we've all "turned comic book characters into idols." But Comic-Con rallied to send its OWN message.

Church members had intended to hold their protest for an hour, but in the face of 150 to 200 counter-protesting, costumed fans carrying signs that read everything from "Odin is God" to "God loves Gay Robin," they gave up early. By the time Blastr arrived, the handful of Comic-Con haters were already packing up and walking away with the police presence that outnumbered them, which you can see below at the 24-second mark.


07-23-2010, 10:21 AM
The freaks need to realize that the outnumber the bible thumpers by a very, very wide margin. In fact, I suspect these bible thumpers would hate like hell to have their church pickets for being anti-american.... but that is a whole other story. 4chan anyone? lulz.