View Full Version : Did Alec Helmy and XBiz sell us out ?

07-08-2010, 01:35 PM
By MikeSouth
July 7th, 2010
Why is no one writing about the fact that Alec Helmy let Stewart Lawley join xbiz.net and use the "Industry-Only Network" in order to promote .xxx? Lawley is "answering questions" (See "The Man Who Would be the .xxx King) on an XBiz Industry-only network even though, several years ago, he went to an XBiz show and proudly proclaimed that he is not part of the industry.

I can tell you why. It is simply because in reality Alec Helmy supports .xxx. He supported it early on and he still does, no matter what he might say to the contrary his actions speak much louder than his words.

Helmy and I had words one afternoon years ago when .xxx was coming to a head and it wasn't pretty. I had him screaming at me on my cell phone, I was highly amused. He was VERY pro .xxx

You see Helmy's organization ASACP is getting $8.00 for every domain that Staurt Lawley sells.

A bribe?

I say if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...it's a duck.

Did Helmy and XBiz sell us out....You be the judge of that.


07-09-2010, 01:30 PM
By MikeSouth
July 7th, 2010
Why is no one writing about the fact that Alec Helmy let Stewart Lawley join xbiz.net and use the "Industry-Only Network" in order to promote .xxx? Lawley is "answering questions" (See "The Man Who Would be the .xxx King) on an XBiz Industry-only network even though, several years ago, he went to an XBiz show and proudly proclaimed that he is not part of the industry.

I can tell you why. It is simply because in reality Alec Helmy supports .xxx. He supported it early on and he still does, no matter what he might say to the contrary his actions speak much louder than his words.

Helmy and I had words one afternoon years ago when .xxx was coming to a head and it wasn't pretty. I had him screaming at me on my cell phone, I was highly amused. He was VERY pro .xxx

You see Helmy's organization ASACP is getting $8.00 for every domain that Staurt Lawley sells.

A bribe?

I say if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...it's a duck.

Did Helmy and XBiz sell us out....You be the judge of that.


Hmmmm......curiouser, and curiouser.....

07-09-2010, 09:05 PM
umm, "appears so"?

07-13-2010, 03:50 PM
IS this getting posted and picked up everywhere including every adult blog known to mankind? If not, you have some work ahead of you...

07-14-2010, 08:15 PM
Hey Im only one man.....my policy is you have blanket permission to repost anything on mikesouth.com as long as you source me.

07-14-2010, 09:20 PM
Hey Im only one man.....my policy is you have blanket permission to repost anything on mikesouth.com as long as you source me.

It's the hat, indy.......people like the hat.

07-15-2010, 02:08 PM
Hey Im only one man.....my policy is you have blanket permission to repost anything on mikesouth.com as long as you source me.

Your buddy Vendzilla is over there saying how awful you are too.
I guess you got him in a lot of trouble for posting his gun brandishing pic on that old Xbiz board eh?

As I recall this is the same topic that he and Stephen jumped on you for last time.

I wonder if hes going to send post the same picture cuz I asked alec a question he didnt want to answer? Or maybe Ill get lucky and he will post a pic of him filling a vending machine.

Mike you sure do get this guy all worked up. Maybe hes jealous of you and your 2 AVNs because hes done nothing for himself in this business?

Id hate my claim to fame to be the guy that lost his keyboard warrior and forum moderator position for flashing a piece.

I thought that shit was funny back then. Anyone that knows you knows that your strapped most of the time and guns just excite you.

07-15-2010, 02:12 PM
LOL I know right

Vendzilla is so fucking pea brained that he sent me a death threat with pics of himand stephen with guns....when I published the threat on my site including the pics he flipped.

he got suspended from gfy over it...left all that shit out didnt he....feel free to call him on it ;)

07-15-2010, 03:00 PM
LOL I know right

Vendzilla is so fucking pea brained that he sent me a death threat with pics of himand stephen with guns....when I published the threat on my site including the pics he flipped.

he got suspended from gfy over it...left all that shit out didnt he....feel free to call him on it ;)

I did buddy, it was me and you doing battle on that board and he thought he would be cute posting a pic of him with a gum .Like he was going to teach you. He didnt know the reach you have. lol its like righty to rewrite history lol

07-19-2010, 01:49 PM
May as well do the job til its done....
XBiz ran this, obviously without so much as going to a website to check it:

MONTREAL — Brazzers, Mofos and a large collection of adult tube sites have been sold to Manwin Group of Companies, the company said today.

The acquisition, which closed March 1, includes the rights to all exclusive intellectual property, as well as MovieBox, a video-on-demand membership site, and dating site Sex in Your City.

"The company is run by industry veterans who also operate multiple other brands in the adult entertainment industry," Manwin said in a release.

Manwin said it has taken over all aspects of operations but has retained previous staff.

Manwin also said the acquisition allows it to further develop branded adult websites, while its tube sites begin operating with new initiatives, such as the company-developed Paid Content Partner Program that provides text links to boost traffic for content owners.

In a statement, Manwin said that the company's new tube site initiative will be "conducted with the belief that there is a place for tube sites in our industry and a way to utilize them to serve Manwin’s business interests, as well as those of its partners."

"Other tube site owners are encouraged to do the same to aid the adult industry, instead of simply aiming to make content freely available to all," the company said.

Never mind that Mansef and Manwin seem awful similar, a simple view at both websites would show:

Mansef.com contact info
7777 Boul Decarie
Suite 300
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
H4P 2H2

Manwin.com contact info

7777 Boul Decarie
Suite 300
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
H4P 2H2

So now you have the cocksuckers at Brazzers saying they sold the tube sites they said they never owned...This all looks like they are hiding assets to me, hiding from Pink Visuals who is going to win a copyright lawsuit against them most likely. And the morons at XBiz run this as though its news.....Good lord Helmy are you THAT stupid? Or are you just a sell out? OK It's a rhetorical question.

I was told that if i used the name Ouissam Youssef in this story I would have the "Brazzers Mafia" coming for me.

Come get me scumbags.

07-19-2010, 03:11 PM
Good lord Helmy are you THAT stupid? Or are you just a sell out? OK It's a rhetorical question.

I'd like to see that answered actually.

07-19-2010, 07:20 PM
OK It's a rhetorical question.

'What??? I didn't ask any questions.

07-20-2010, 01:37 AM
I just had to double check, but their office is in my attorney's old suite of offices! That is just too funny! ;)

There can't be too many people working in there as Suite 300 held only five people in three offices.

07-20-2010, 08:38 AM
I just had to double check, but their office is in my attorney's old suite of offices! That is just too funny! ;)

There can't be too many people working in there as Suite 300 held only five people in three offices.

I don't think you need too much space to receive mail and have a receptionist answer the phone. I manage to doubt there is much more going on at their offices anyway (and they have moved 3 or 4 times in fairly short order too).

07-30-2010, 06:26 AM
XBIZ/AVN both are sell outs to the highest bidder, thats just the name of the Media advertising game bro. Bottom line matters.

Now if Advertiser's pulled in unison maybe they would lesson but then with 8 bucks a pop a .xxx domain sale...

Pahlease, you know whats gonna happen.

Same thing happens in mainstream but its a little different cuz its bigger issues. Take for example the obvious liberal slant the media is taking in regards to Arizona Law and Immigrants. The media keeps playing heart strings for Illegal Aliens with biased reports about how bad AZ law is and all the while 70% of American support AZ.

Media is not exactly addressing the fact that AZ law is the same as Federal Law but somehow it's Unconstitutional by a Federal judge but thats not worth reporting? LOL. It's the shit that ya do not see that is real news. Hypocracy and the shit that goes with it imagine that.

07-31-2010, 02:40 AM
Media is not exactly addressing the fact that AZ law is the same as Federal Law but somehow it's Unconstitutional by a Federal judge but thats not worth reporting? LOL. It's the shit that ya do not see that is real news. Hypocracy and the shit that goes with it imagine that.

The good Sheriff there, made that clear. He basically said, "hey, we're gonna keep doin' what we do....come get us." [sic]