View Full Version : Australia bans small tits

06-30-2010, 08:16 AM
Australia has reportedly banned mainstream pornography from showing women with A-cup breasts, apparently on the grounds that they encourage pedophilia, and in spite of the fact this is a normal breast size for many adult women.
The Australian Sex Party reports even Hustler has seen its publications refused publication, all thanks to the usual moral crusader “think of the children” arguments.

“This is in response to a campaign led by Kids Free 2 B Kids and promoted by Barnaby Joyce and Guy Barnett in Senate Estimates late last year.
Mainstream companies such as Larry Flint’s Hustler produce some of the publications that have been banned.
These companies are regulated by the FBI to ensure that only adult performers are featured in their publications.”

With small breasts now considered obscene, Australian adult rags are said to have suffered sharp increase in breast sizes.
Presumably small breasted women taking photographs of themselves will now be guilty of creating simulated child pornography, to say nothing of the message this sends to women with modestly sized chests or those who favour them.
Australia is also said to have banned pornographic depictions of female ejaculation, a normal orgasmic sexual response in many women, with censors branding it as “abhorrent”:

1. That the depictions are a form of urination which is banned under the label of ‘golden showers’ in the Classification Guidelines.
2. Female ejaculation is an ‘abhorrent’ depiction.

It seems the UK and Australia are intent on regressing to Victorian standards of morality (although this time anyone criticizing homosexuality may find themselves convicted of a hate crime), between them having now banned everything from BDSM to small breasts, even where participants are entirely imaginary.

06-30-2010, 09:31 AM
It's okay, I am sure that Australia will be the first country to demand all porn be on .xxx and then will ban the domain outright. The moves down there have pretty much made everyone into criminals, sooner or later these nutjobs will get tossed out or burned at the stake or something, and things will get better.

07-06-2010, 12:38 PM
Yeah it definitely seems as though the Aussies have the US beat for insane conservatism. That is extremely counter-intuitive to me because I always thought that was one country that would have a much more liberal bent to it

07-06-2010, 01:57 PM
All the more reason, the constitution needs to be strongly defended.