View Full Version : Open Appeal to Gonzo, and other, lesser chat boards....

06-25-2010, 01:20 AM
I appeal to donut king gonzo to make a thread, with a sticky, (the thread, not the donuts) to loudly voice the industries opposition to the .xxx registration.

They are saying there is support in the industry, and as "the industry," we need to shout, loud and clear,

Just in case they don't get the message.

06-25-2010, 04:52 AM
they arent reading boards. They are voting.

Watch it live here NOW 5:am EST


06-25-2010, 04:19 PM
we did a pretty good job of making our opposition know then all the auto posts and spam bots and cut and pasted votes totally wrecked it...seems porners didn't have enough time or sense to write their own posts and simply cut and pasted via an fsc web page....same as the christians were doing...no wonder we were ignored.

06-26-2010, 11:59 PM
we did a pretty good job of making our opposition know then all the auto posts and spam bots and cut and pasted votes totally wrecked it...seems porners didn't have enough time or sense to write their own posts and simply cut and pasted via an fsc web page....same as the christians were doing...no wonder we were ignored.

You would think they might at least ask some of the "visible" people in the industry.
I'm not hard to find, I use my real name, answer my email and phone, and I've been published. They didn't ask me, or anyone else I know....

I'd REAALLLLYY like to know who these "industry people" are they talked to. I haven't met anyone yet that supports it.

06-27-2010, 12:48 AM
Reality check: at this point it's all about limiting their legal exposure, industry support or lack of it is pretty irrelevant.

06-27-2010, 04:01 AM

Seems like the icm's tone is changing. People are so short sighted I think if it goes thru it's going to start a snowball effect to really hurt us. Not like the industry didn't ask for it.

06-27-2010, 09:20 AM
I expect this one to end up in court and enjoined for a long time to come.

06-27-2010, 12:40 PM
There is one way to insure the failure of .xxx

dont buy any

I know I wont.

06-27-2010, 01:42 PM
too many are going to buy them so the few that dont buy them wont make a difference. Its going to be the law of the land here so mark my words. If you read comments on the huff post people want this. They think its going to protect their kids from seeing porn. And if you read stuart's comments he sounds much more militant then before. I wonder who is really backing him with money because to fight for ten yrs takes big bucks. I wouldn't be surprised if it wasnt some big Christian org bankrolling him.

Also if the head of Vivid thought this is bad why wasnt his fucking ass on a plane to tell that to icann face to face. So then it would of showed there is no support for this ,he has the means to do it. And the same with the head of hustler, digital playground, etc ,etc. These are all people with big pockets.
Which also leads to if the head of vivid couldnt get on a plane , you think the big guys are going to court dont hold your breath. its a shame this industry is its own worst enemy.

06-27-2010, 04:42 PM
tony is right because whenever the adult industry gets the opportunity to shoot itself in the foot it never misses.

we are guaranteed to do whatever will be worst for us in the long run.

06-28-2010, 03:08 PM
Gee, I wonder why we should be concerned??

Let's take a look at the "benefits" of having an XXX name:

• The effective labeling of content, so that individuals and search engines know that .xxx websites likely contain adult content, which will allow for simple and effective filtering for those who wish to do so
• Best Business Practices to provide and promote confidence and certainty in .xxx domains
• More predictable revenue streams, greater customer retention and fewer complaints for adult entertainment suppliers
• A credible self-regulated forum for impacted stakeholders to discuss and develop policies relating to online adult entertainment

Right there, at number 1, tells the whole story, now doesn't it? Number 4 seems to slap us even harder, if the first punch in the gut wasn't enough?

I'm fuzzy on exactly what " Best Business Practices to provide and promote confidence and certainty in .xxx domains" means. Does this not sound like "no speak bullshit" to anyone besides me?

And exactly how does xxx do anything for: " More predictable revenue streams, greater customer retention and fewer complaints for adult entertainment suppliers?"

Why don't they just say "xxx will make us a ton of money, and we don't give a rat's ass what anyone thinks, as long as we get it?"

It's as if they realize there are no benefits to anyone except themselves.

I revise my estimate from earlier....show me 10 REAL adult industry people that support this idea, and I'll but you a donut. (On Gonzo's Krispy Kreme account...want the number?)

06-28-2010, 03:44 PM
Gee, I wonder why we should be concerned??

Let's take a look at the "benefits" of having an XXX name:

• The effective labeling of content, so that individuals and search engines know that .xxx websites likely contain adult content, which will allow for simple and effective filtering for those who wish to do so
• Best Business Practices to provide and promote confidence and certainty in .xxx domains
• More predictable revenue streams, greater customer retention and fewer complaints for adult entertainment suppliers
• A credible self-regulated forum for impacted stakeholders to discuss and develop policies relating to online adult entertainment

Right there, at number 1, tells the whole story, now doesn't it? Number 4 seems to slap us even harder, if the first punch in the gut wasn't enough?

I'm fuzzy on exactly what " Best Business Practices to provide and promote confidence and certainty in .xxx domains" means. Does this not sound like "no speak bullshit" to anyone besides me?

And exactly how does xxx do anything for: " More predictable revenue streams, greater customer retention and fewer complaints for adult entertainment suppliers?"

Why don't they just say "xxx will make us a ton of money, and we don't give a rat's ass what anyone thinks, as long as we get it?"

It's as if they realize there are no benefits to anyone except themselves.

I revise my estimate from earlier....show me 10 REAL adult industry people that support this idea, and I'll but you a donut. (On Gonzo's Krispy Kreme account...want the number?)

The problem is those who had the means to show up there to speak to icann didnt. FSC saying the community is against this has no real meaning. The owners/ceo of the big players showing up and saying we are against this. I believe there would of been a different vote.

06-28-2010, 10:06 PM
Make NO mistake there are people in adult who wanted this, some who even said they didnt. AVN and XBiz both did little to derail it, matter of fact early on both supported it. I got into a pissing match with Paul Fishbein over it years ago...heres a link




There are plenty of people in Porn Valley who will welcome this, including Greg Piconelli and Lawrence Walters, they were the two votes on the FSC FOR IT. Figures they be lawyers....no offense to Fattarosi, who I actually like....I mean for a lawyer....