View Full Version : Looking for an excuse to go to Cybernet?

06-19-2010, 11:07 PM
Unfortunately I am not going to Cybernet this year. Its one of the best shows Ive attended over the years but right now I got nothing to sell.

However if your looking for some good information lt me point out a couple of goodies on the seminar list. [and no Jay didnt ask me to write this]

WordPress: Not Just For Blogs (Intensive Training Series)
Speaker : Kevin Godbee (Web 3.0 Internet Consulting)

Versatile, fun, loaded with features, easy to use and visually appealing only just begin to describe WordPress, the free open-source software that you can use to build a content-rich adult website. Cybernet Expo instructor KevinG will walk you through the basics of WordPress for adult websites, and how best to make it work for your specific needs, regardless of what you are selling.

Kevin has come a long way from being the flunky on a defunct internet porn show. He knows design,SEO and hes made a nice bit of money building up a site using word press and selling it off in the mainstream.

If you want some solid tips this is good one to attend.

Adult Traffic: Where To Get It (Industry Insider Series)
Moderator : Jason Hart (SiN2.0)
Speakers : Judy Shalom (Ero-Advertising), Jay Ginneken (JuicyAds.com), Kevin Godbee (Web 3.0 Internet Consulting), Frankie Trendler (Radio Dentata), Charles Hentrich (Wildline!)

You can build the best restaurant in the world and hire the most talented chef available, but if you don’t think about location and advertising then your business will fail; that same wisdom applies to adult Internet businesses as well. Even the best adult websites sometimes fail because their owners never addressed the issue of how to drive visitors to the website. Kicking off our “Industry Insider Series” of panel discussions, our experts will explain where you can find traffic for your adult websites, and what it takes to get your share of it.

Good finds on this one as well with Kevin and Jay from Juicy ads on the panel. The sleepers on this panel are Frankie Trendler and Charles from Wildline. Ive done biz Charles and Frankie [you might recognize her from YnotRadio] has made internet radio profitable. If your looking for traffic there are some good organic and paid placement tips from this one.

Live Photo Shoot & Photography Seminar (Intensive Training Series)
Speakers : Mark Spannow & Belinda Moore (SoloBabeCash)

Many of today’s most successful independent adult website operators shoot their own content, but for the new or aspiring adult photographer it can be a challenge to gather the information needed just to get started. A huge hit at last year’s Cybernet Expo, the expert duo of former Playboy photographers Spannow and Belinda return for what will be an exciting and highly educational session on how to shoot adult content. In addition to a very informative presentation, you will get to witness a live photo shoot with adult models Reagan Manx and Ava Angel who will pose as Belinda and Spannow show you how to take advantage of limited shooting space, how to pose models effectively and make them look their best, plus proper techniques for utilizing studio lighting equipment.

Id attend this one from a curiosity standpoint.

State of the Industry (Industry Insider Series)
Moderator : Diane Duke
Speakers : Kevin Noonan (Medium Pimpin’), Eric M. Bernstein (Eric M. Bernstein & Associates), Brad Mitchell (MojoHost), Kristin Wynters (TopBucksMobile), John Engstrom (FoxyFlip)

As with most of the business world, the adult industry faced significant financial challenges throughout 2009 and into 2010. Now that much of the smoke has cleared, where does the industry stand? This group of highly esteemed panelists represent an accurate cross-section of the industry at large and will be sharing their thoughts and experiences on a very challenging year and what waits for the adult industry looking forward.

I always enjoy to see what Brad Mitchell has to say about this biz as well as Kevin from Medium Pimpin and Bernstein is the most approchable lawyer related to this biz.

SEO Basics with KevinG (Intensive Training Series)
Speaker : Kevin Godbee (Web 3.0 Internet Consulting)

Cybernet Expo instructor and Search Engine Optimization specialist KevinG will demystify SEO and explain the process in basic terms what every website operator can understand. SEO is an indispensible skill for any serious adult website operator, and one of the best ways to drive free, targeted customers to your online storefront. By understanding the basics of SEO, and adding a few more advanced techniques to your skill set as well, you’ll improve your website’s chances of bringing in customers.

Ive already said what I had to say about Kevin above. Another must attend.

Those are my picks if I was going. Have a look and see if you see anything that might interest you.


Hell Puppy
06-21-2010, 10:57 PM
Are Juicy and Mr. Izz going?

06-23-2010, 02:20 PM
are juicy and mr. Izz going?


08-02-2010, 01:38 AM
I always enjoy to see what Brad Mitchell has to say about this biz as well as Kevin from Medium Pimpin and Bernstein is the most approchable lawyer related to this biz.

Isn't Kevin a big supporter of Brazzers?

08-02-2010, 01:53 AM
Ero Advertising uses stolen content in ads. Fact.

08-02-2010, 02:45 AM
Isn't Kevin a big supporter of Brazzers?

I dont know him that well to say yes or no.
But I know he doesnt support Honest Glenn or assclown Bob Rice.

08-02-2010, 05:53 AM
Isn't Kevin a big supporter of Brazzers?

Not sure where you got that idea, but that's not the case at all. :scratchin

08-02-2010, 10:46 AM
Not sure where you got that idea, but that's not the case at all. :scratchin

He promotes them on his site models gone bad.

08-02-2010, 11:41 AM
He promotes them on his site models gone bad.

That's a far cry from being a "big supporter".

I've spoken with him about this face to face. His income from those galleries are minimal but they make excellent filler content that brings peeps coming back clicking other galleries too, which do convert. Not really sure here who is using who.

It's now how I would do things, but I understand his thinking.

08-02-2010, 06:31 PM
That's a far cry from being a "big supporter".

I've spoken with him about this face to face. His income from those galleries are minimal but they make excellent filler content that brings peeps coming back clicking other galleries too, which do convert. Not really sure here who is using who.

It's now how I would do things, but I understand his thinking.
FarL pretty much said the same thing. I disagree with it. Its kinda like only having a "little" crack habit. But maybe I should just get with the program. Its funny that a "successful" site still needs that shit. Things that make you go hmmmmm.
This, of course, is just MHO and I ain't rich.

08-02-2010, 06:58 PM
FarL pretty much said the same thing. I disagree with it. Its kinda like only having a "little" crack habit. But maybe I should just get with the program. Its funny that a "successful" site still needs that shit. Things that make you go hmmmmm.
This, of course, is just MHO and I ain't rich.

I assume that you are aware that ModelsGoneBad is a TGP he has on his own that is in no way related to the MediumPimpin sponsor program?

08-02-2010, 07:30 PM
I assume that you are aware that ModelsGoneBad is a TGP he has on his own that is in no way related to the MediumPimpin sponsor program?

No, I didn't know that. If I type in medium pimpin dot com and press enter, I get models gone bad. That implies a pretty tight relationship to me. This guy is making money by pitching Brazzers and in return, Brazzers makes money from buddy's traffic. I am not busting your balls, but am curious. It seems odd that you support this. It doesn't seem like your normal stand on this issue. Maybe I am missing something here. I don't really play in that world, but it affects everyone.

08-02-2010, 09:14 PM
I don't see where the Google results are relevant. Search for Babes in Boots and you'll get many listings in addition to my site. This is something Kevin and Mark (Mailman) are doing completely separate from the sponsor program, along with over 300 solo model blogs and a few dozen solo model tube sites.

I don't support it, as I said before that's not how I'd do things, but listing some Brazzers content among the thousands of galleries on those sites is a far cry from running sites dedicated just to promoting Brazzers. I just think calling them a "big supporter" is a stretch.

08-02-2010, 09:24 PM
I don't see where the Google results are relevant. Search for Babes in Boots and you'll get many listings in addition to my site. This is something Kevin and Mark (Mailman) are doing completely separate from the sponsor program, along with over 300 solo model blogs and a few dozen solo model tube sites.

I don't support it, as I said before that's not how I'd do things, but listing some Brazzers content among the thousands of galleries on those sites is a far cry from running sites dedicated just to promoting Brazzers. I just think calling them a "big supporter" is a stretch.

OK, just supporter then and I thought we were talking about Kevin. He lists brazzers high as a top porn site....well out of the thousands of gallery world. My point is it still gives aid and comfort Brazzers. You would think that he wouldn't need that association. But I guess he does.