View Full Version : A quick Public Service Announcement

Hell Puppy
04-30-2010, 11:48 PM

05-01-2010, 09:15 AM
Nice PSA but I think most of the people who steal would just chuckle at it if they even watch it at all. Probably a complete waste of time to produce. Thieves will only stop thieving when forced, IMHO.

05-01-2010, 07:50 PM
Nice PSA but I think most of the people who steal would just chuckle at it if they even watch it at all. Probably a complete waste of time to produce. Thieves will only stop thieving when forced, IMHO.

first this is 10 yrs too late. They ignored it when the money flowed in. But that's when the internet generation was learning paying for porn is stupid.You are correct only when stopped this will happen.Also long as the avn lifetime awards are given to one of the biggest ad buyers on pirate sites. Nothing will change pirates laugh at us. We are low hanging fruit.

05-01-2010, 08:40 PM
Must be membership drive time again.

What the FSC has to do with content theft on the web perplexes me.

I suppose its popular and a way to get dollars instead of focusing on FREE SPEACH.

If thats what your concerned with join the EFF. The take those issues serious.

05-02-2010, 10:29 AM
Way to little, way to late.

05-02-2010, 12:29 PM
The only way to recover from this train wreck is to have the government restrict hardcore from being displayed ( protect the kids ) in free areas. Most likely won't happen, but that's how I see it.

I agree with everyone above about the PSA.

05-02-2010, 02:16 PM
I don't think the PSA is aimed at the public, I think it is aimed at webmasters and content producers, trying to suck them into financing FSC for another year. FSC is starting to have mandate slip similar to ASACP. In both cases, they seem to be more interested in getting in front of hot button issues for their own good, rather than doing anything that truly benefits the adult industry.

05-02-2010, 08:17 PM
The comments are interesting read. It shows how it really is too late.Its sad they were asleep when it counted.

05-02-2010, 10:43 PM
If the FSC REALLY wanted to stop piracy all theyd have to do is start suing on behalf of the content providers, Id happily give them power of attorney to sue on my behalf and I'd even give them 75% of every dime they won.

the problem is that actually takes work...it isnt some feel good scheme they can produce for peanuts and put on youtube for free.

if they want to make an impact really...they need to say fuck the style and try substance.

05-02-2010, 10:47 PM
fuck them. Its not about free speech. Its about content theft. What the fuck have they ever done? I think its just another online site that makes money out of porn. Big fucking deal.

Hell Puppy
05-03-2010, 10:36 PM
Nice PSA but I think most of the people who steal would just chuckle at it if they even watch it at all. Probably a complete waste of time to produce. Thieves will only stop thieving when forced, IMHO.


I showed this to several non-industry friends individually. Each and every one of them thought it was a joke, they were waiting for the punch line. They thought surely it was a SNL skit or something.

Same people state same thing we've all been stating. Why pay for porn when there is so much of it available for free?

From their point of view, if they start looking for porn online they find tons of it for free. It's offered up, easy to find, easy to view, no indication to them that they're doing anything wrong.

Now on the other hand, what happens should they land on the average mega sized pay site that has content to rival the tubes? Are they rewarded with a wonderful customer experience and get exactly what they expect? Nope, they'll get a mostly static cookie cutter members site with less compelling content than the tubes, and their card will get banged ruthlessly until they cancel it.

05-03-2010, 10:49 PM

I showed this to several non-industry friends individually. Each and every one of them thought it was a joke, they were waiting for the punch line. They thought surely it was a SNL skit or something.

Same people state same thing we've all been stating. Why pay for porn when there is so much of it available for free?

From their point of view, if they start looking for porn online they find tons of it for free. It's offered up, easy to find, easy to view, no indication to them that they're doing anything wrong.

Now on the other hand, what happens should they land on the average mega sized pay site that has content to rival the tubes? Are they rewarded with a wonderful customer experience and get exactly what they expect? Nope, they'll get a mostly static cookie cutter members site with less compelling content than the tubes, and their card will get banged ruthlessly until they cancel it.

Yep thats why for the most part this industry is its own worst enemy.