View Full Version : Net Neutrality ruling.. comments?

04-06-2010, 12:48 PM
You need to click the link for the full ruling...


US Court Rules AGAINST FCC On Net Neutrality In Big Win For Comcast

JOELLE TESSLER | 04/ 6/10 11:28 AM | AP

WASHINGTON — A federal appeals court ruled Tuesday that the Federal Communications Commission lacks the authority to require broadband providers to give equal treatment to all Internet traffic flowing over their networks.

The ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia is a big victory for Comcast Corp., the nation's largest cable company. It had challenged the FCC's authority to impose so-called "net neutrality" obligations on broadband providers.

04-07-2010, 09:47 AM
I find this pretty disturbing, in all honesty.

04-07-2010, 10:19 AM
More than anything, it is a ruling that shows that the FCC doesn't have control over the content on the internet, which is good for all of us. The downside is that this shows what could happen with .XXX if it came along, as companies could choose not to give carriage to material from those domains to save network bandwidth.

I suspect this will go to the next court level, the FCC won't leave it alone.

04-07-2010, 11:15 AM
People keep talking about fcc like the bad guy. lol They want the net open. Without net neutrality the broadband providers decide who gets what bandwidth. They can decide all porn is going to be at 56k speed and charge for whatever they like. Porn wastes lots of bandwidth online. Youtube and hulu may have never happened in a non open net.Its not a good thing.
These companies seem to forget the government gave them tax subcities (I know its spelled wrong lol) to build the infrastructure. This could be alot worst than .xxx.

04-07-2010, 12:01 PM
People keep talking about fcc like the bad guy. lol They want the net open. Without net neutrality the broadband providers decide who gets what bandwidth. They can decide all porn is going to be at 56k speed and charge for whatever they like. Porn wastes lots of bandwidth online. Youtube and hulu may have never happened in a non open net.Its not a good thing.
These companies seem to forget the government gave them tax subcities (I know its spelled wrong lol) to build the infrastructure. This could be alot worst than .xxx.

Tony, I think you need to look at things realistically. None of the ISPs are going to pre-build your content and check to see if it is porn. They filter by protocol, not by content. To filter video, they would have to filter all video. To filter flash, they would have to filter all flash. It's the reasons why .XXX is such a risk, because it does allow for easy filtering, which is not currently possible.

What the ISPs do is filter torrent traffic, P2P / distributed networking stuff like Skype, and so on. Those are the true huge bandwidth wasters, and that is what they are looking to get rid of. They aren't going to filter port 80 material, the cost isn't worth the saving.

04-08-2010, 11:30 AM

04-08-2010, 10:49 PM
Not being a tech guy, here's a question for all of you -- if and how do you think this ruling might effect the tubes - especially the ones that eat up huge bandwith ? Bandwith prices going up may make it too costly to continue to operate a huge tubesite...

04-10-2010, 07:15 PM
I t could affect the tubes but its a double edged sword, i would also effect hulu (which comcast would like nothing better than to kill in its tracks) netflix instant queue (ditto)

and the reality is it works to set back the delivery of television and such without the use of satellites and the cable TV systems

couple that with the fact that in many markets comcast has a government granted monopoly AND they are trying to buy NBC and i see a whole host of problems.

Hey Mike...wanna file a class action against Sony? Its ripe for the picking....they have softly promoted that the PS3 can run Linux and they even stated that functionality would not be removed.

The new PS3 update removes that functionality AND its a required update forcing you to lose the disk space you allocated to "other os" unless you reformat and re-install

Lots of people mad as hell about it and the BBB and FTC are getting a lot of complaints...dunno if thats yer area but someone is likely gonna do it.

04-10-2010, 08:29 PM
O'Brien: Why net neutrality matters to one Sunnyvale company

04-10-2010, 11:33 PM
I t could affect the tubes but its a double edged sword, i would also effect hulu (which comcast would like nothing better than to kill in its tracks) netflix instant queue (ditto)

and the reality is it works to set back the delivery of television and such without the use of satellites and the cable TV systems

couple that with the fact that in many markets comcast has a government granted monopoly AND they are trying to buy NBC and i see a whole host of problems.

Hey Mike...wanna file a class action against Sony? Its ripe for the picking....they have softly promoted that the PS3 can run Linux and they even stated that functionality would not be removed.

The new PS3 update removes that functionality AND its a required update forcing you to lose the disk space you allocated to "other os" unless you reformat and re-install

Lots of people mad as hell about it and the BBB and FTC are getting a lot of complaints...dunno if thats yer area but someone is likely gonna do it.

They basically discovered that the "other OS" area was being used to screw with the online game play, which was hurting the experience for honest people. The true value is in all those people buying games and paying to play online. They will do anything to avoid hurting that business, including pissing off the kiddies who were playing with the OS options.

04-11-2010, 12:43 AM
I admit I installed linux on it just to do it, it ran really poorly because the graphics environment didnt have access to the GPU so I never used it again. I did hold out some hope that some Linux developer or even Sony themselves would change that

The PS3 is a HIGHLY capable media server and a UNIX like environment would have made for some really good app possibilities making it way more than just a game system. But doesnt look like thats gonna happen...

04-11-2010, 12:56 PM
I admit I installed linux on it just to do it, it ran really poorly because the graphics environment didnt have access to the GPU so I never used it again. I did hold out some hope that some Linux developer or even Sony themselves would change that

The PS3 is a HIGHLY capable media server and a UNIX like environment would have made for some really good app possibilities making it way more than just a game system. But doesnt look like thats gonna happen...

Or, perhaps, IS gonna happen, very soon, but under Sony control.
Those, that thought Sony would EVER let outside open source development, on ANY of their platforms, were clearing smoking too much crack.
It's simply NOT in their thinking patterns.

04-11-2010, 04:52 PM
I though of that too and I agree what Id really like to see is for sony to open the hypervisor interface to third party developers but so far that has only happened with games.

This may have unintended consequences theres a ton of hackers now that arent bent on hacking it....Oh well its about time for the PS4 anyway


04-12-2010, 01:01 AM
Hey Mike...wanna file a class action against Sony? Its ripe for the picking....they have softly promoted that the PS3 can run Linux and they even stated that functionality would not be removed.

The new PS3 update removes that functionality AND its a required update forcing you to lose the disk space you allocated to "other os" unless you reformat and re-install

Lots of people mad as hell about it and the BBB and FTC are getting a lot of complaints...dunno if thats yer area but someone is likely gonna do it.

Im not a class action guy, but it isnt difficult. In California you need to be able to certify the class, which isnt easy unless it falls under consumer fraud/false advertising/misrepresentation which led to inducement to purchase.

Whats the issue here ? I am not a PS3 guy....

Hell Puppy
04-12-2010, 10:33 PM
P2P is the first big potential loser here as that is what comcast was originally targetting. And they could give a rat's ass about the piracy issue there, what they hate is the excessive usage. When you have someone sucking down DVDs and simultaneously sharing them maxing out both inbound and outbound pipe the amount of data transferred is exponentially higher than the average consumer.

They want to be able to throttle it to protect their network. If everyone were doing it, their network would go to its knees. Same is true of just about any utility. No town could stand to have everyone turn on all of their water faucets at once.

What's scary here is it sets them up to operate more like the wireless telephone providers where you can charge different amounts for different types of service. And the cable companies LOVE that model as that's how they sell video. I could easily see them embracing a web-only tier with a "online video" add-on tier.