View Full Version : Dirtysgoingdown

03-09-2010, 07:36 PM
Hey, I thought you were leaving?

You said a big long weepy goodbye and everything.

So, what's the deal?

Please be aware that if you stay, as a female member, you have to

Show Us Your Tits !!!

It's the law.


Research it.

I gaaaarrrrrrraaaannnntttteeeee it :okthumb:


03-09-2010, 08:10 PM
you are just encouraging bad behaviour.:whistling:whistling

03-09-2010, 09:35 PM
you are just encouraging bad behaviour.:whistling:whistling

Let's have a frank discussion for a moment.

What exactly is bad behavior? That I brought to the attention to the industry that a well known pornographer had shot a minor that was 17 years old and was met with the "fuck off, where's the proof" and then when I provided proof, I was again told to "fuck off, you're not part of our industry"?

Or was my bad behavior in that I had to chase this guy from industry board to industry board making the same claims and receiving the same treatment? This story has been out there since December 2008 but no one gave a fuck until Shoehorn was screwed over and the allegations were brought up again. Still, the responses were "fuck off, if true, why hasn't he been charged?"

Was it really my bad behavior by doing my civic duty alerting the authorities to the events that took place or was it really bad behavior on the adult industry's part for not policing their own industry better? Would it have been better behavior for me to keep my mouth shut like those who were aware of the events that occurred and sweep it under the rug like many want to have happen?

Oh wait. I know. It's bad behavior to actually stand for something you believe in and draw attention, positively or negatively, when something occurs that could have a far reaching affect not just for the model and talent, but to the affiliates and customers that put faith in the place they choose to do business with could impact their freedom through promotion or consumption of illegal material. Right? Is that what it is?

Or is it bad behavior because no one in adult ever seems to take notice unless someone stands and screams, kicks, yells, or acts like an asshole or more effectively, threatens their income and ability to continue to do so?

And while its easy to thump one's chest, claiming to be unique and stand for what they believe in (i.e. the right to produce porn), many lack the sheer balls and conviction to actually do the right thing. That is called responsibility.

Its also easy to jump on the forum bandwagon and make me out to be the evil bitch but again, I ask, who was party to the events that occurred and who is truly responsible for this situation? Whats even funnier is that behind the scenes, I get support from many people that have said I did the right thing in standing up for what I believe in even if its not in front of the adult forum crowd. The same people that are wishing Dirty D good luck are the same ones laughing saying they knew it was going to happen eventually or see a chance to capitalize on his lack of presence.

Call me a bitch, call me a content whore, call me a guy, call me whatever.... but you cannot call me without integrity and conviction. Every claim I have made has been the truth as evidenced by Dirty D's arrest and the other two guys who I had no knowledge of prior to the story disclosing their arrests. Integrity cannot be measured until you are faced with a dilemma and have to make a choice. Conviction is actually following through on something you believe in.

So I guess this is what you consider bad behavior?

03-09-2010, 09:54 PM
Yes. I consider this a threat.

03-09-2010, 09:54 PM
Fucking thread hijackers..

Don't you have another thread or three where you could overdiscuss the entire DirtyD situation?

This thread is for tits that is T I T S


Get it?

Now please take your discussion elsewhere, you are dirtying up the carpet.

03-09-2010, 10:22 PM
Yes. I consider this a threat.

Nice way to avoid every single question I posed. Then again, I knew you had NO BALLS to even answer it in a rationale process. So kindly place Dirty D's cock back inside your mouth and commence your routine sucking.

03-09-2010, 10:51 PM
Nice way to avoid every single question I posed. Then again, I knew you had NO BALLS to even answer it in a rationale process. So kindly place Dirty D's cock back inside your mouth and commence your routine sucking.

Thank you for the acknowledgement of my post and my thread.

You have a fucking lot to learn about board protocol.

You are quite rude.

03-09-2010, 11:05 PM
Nice way to avoid every single question I posed. Then again, I knew you had NO BALLS to even answer it in a rationale process. So kindly place Dirty D's cock back inside your mouth and commence your routine sucking.
I gotta say, of anybody on this planet that I do not want to be...its you. I would much rather be the dumpster diver that hangs out down my alley at the mental patients association than you. I truly mean that. This is not just board bullshit. You need to realize this.

03-09-2010, 11:21 PM
I gotta say, of anybody on this planet that I do not want to be...its you. I would much rather be the dumpster diver that hangs out down my alley at the mental patients association than you. I truly mean that. This is not just board bullshit. You need to realize this.

Hahaha. And just why is that? Enlighten me oh wise one. Ooooh...is Dirty D going to come after me after his prison stint? I doubt that and if so, he'll going right back in.

03-10-2010, 12:46 AM
who cares?

03-10-2010, 12:54 AM
who cares?

Obviously you did otherwise you would not have responded to begin with. But hey, keep side stepping the questions and look the other way. At least you are consistent. :-pearl:

03-10-2010, 01:00 AM
Obviously you did otherwise you would not have responded to begin with. But hey, keep side stepping the questions and look the other way. At least you are consistent. :-pearl:
Yes I am. Are you threatening me again? You know I am keeping a record.

03-10-2010, 01:14 AM
Yes I am. Are you threatening me again? You know I am keeping a record.

Dude, you are proving to be a bigger moron than Stinkyfucks. I did not think that was possible. Congrats to the winner.