View Full Version : Shellee Hale vs TMM update

01-14-2010, 04:24 PM
I just realized that for some reason Xbiz and AVN who started with coverage on this case has dropped the ball. Makes you wonder why?

Any how I just got news that her appeal is being heard at Rutgers Law School, once a year they choose a high profile case and they chose hers - it will be televised and on the radio.

Ill have more details as I get them.

Its funny that the industries media , Xbiz and AVN have not continued to follow this issue which potentially could impact us all. The last thing I read on Xbiz had painted her as an enemy of the industry [at least thats how I read it] and that the case was closed.

Heres all the coverage I could find . . . http://www.xbiz.com/search/?news=1&articles=1&st=1&sa=1&sb=1&t=exact&q=shellee+hale&x=0&y=0
Again makes me wonder why?

I want to make it clear that I have no dog in this fight as I am friends with Shellee Hale and involved with a project that uses TMM as a vendor.

More in this thread as I find out.

01-15-2010, 02:53 AM
gfy should read it ))
it'll be fun

01-18-2010, 02:15 AM
gfy should read it ))
it'll be fun
I cant say there are many there that I know of that use that board as the only means of staying informed that I really care if they read it or not.