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01-12-2010, 12:39 PM
for depression? Maybe its just the winter and I'm not getting enough sunlight..I dunno. I don't want to start taking pills. Someone should tell some jokes.

01-12-2010, 01:20 PM
for depression? Maybe its just the winter and I'm not getting enough sunlight..I dunno. I don't want to start taking pills. Someone should tell some jokes.

More Pills!


01-12-2010, 02:09 PM
More Pills!


I take enough pills for other ailments..I'll soon rattle when I walk.

01-12-2010, 03:48 PM
same thing I said in the other thread. Get out and be active. I live near mountains, so four times a week, rain or shine I walk for two to three hours sometimes longer. When the weather gets a little more like winter, I snow shoe up mountains. I sleep better. I stay thinner. My back doesn't hurt like it did. I can actually relax. I am convinced its the only way. You develop an addiction.
Here is the downside. Its not an overnight fix. It takes a minimum of a year to really feel the benefit and you don't get the addiction and full benefit for another few years.
I hate exercise in a gym watching cnn and breathing all that recycled air in a frenetic atmosphere. Personally getting outside works for me. But whatever works for you. You have to enjoy it, or see a path to enjoyment, or you won't do it. Start out slow, because trying to hard will just put you off it. I have seen too many old people who are inactive and ride around in scooters and such. But I have also seen ninety year olds up a mountain in snow shoes, the picture of health. These outdoor guys are nearly all Europeans who have had a lifetime of this. Its the way I want to be when I get that old.
This comes with a money back guarantee. It works.

01-12-2010, 03:57 PM
Just interact with people more. Whether that be the aforementioned exercise, which I know works, or regular get togethers with a group of friends to do some type of activity (cards or whatever) or a combination of both you need to get out and do more.

01-12-2010, 04:05 PM
computers are unhealthy

01-13-2010, 09:21 AM
You could always come down to visit me, we are gearing up for Mardi Gras

01-13-2010, 05:24 PM
You could always come down to visit me, we are gearing up for Mardi Gras

I was down there for Mardi Gras once..it was an insane madhouse..it was fun though. lol

01-14-2010, 02:33 PM
same thing I said in the other thread. Get out and be active. I live near mountains, so four times a week, rain or shine I walk for two to three hours sometimes longer. When the weather gets a little more like winter, I snow shoe up mountains. I sleep better. I stay thinner. My back doesn't hurt like it did. I can actually relax. I am convinced its the only way. You develop an addiction.
Here is the downside. Its not an overnight fix. It takes a minimum of a year to really feel the benefit and you don't get the addiction and full benefit for another few years.
I hate exercise in a gym watching cnn and breathing all that recycled air in a frenetic atmosphere. Personally getting outside works for me. But whatever works for you. You have to enjoy it, or see a path to enjoyment, or you won't do it. Start out slow, because trying to hard will just put you off it. I have seen too many old people who are inactive and ride around in scooters and such. But I have also seen ninety year olds up a mountain in snow shoes, the picture of health. These outdoor guys are nearly all Europeans who have had a lifetime of this. Its the way I want to be when I get that old.
This comes with a money back guarantee. It works.

Right on the money

01-16-2010, 12:03 PM
I try to get out and walk once a day. Since I live in Orlando however that just means walking down the sidewalk. I walk over to a dunkin dougnuts and get a coffee to walk back with! ,,,,, what? :rolleyes:

I also work out at home with small weights and a chin-up bar. Just doing push ups and chin ups will do your body wonders. :)

01-16-2010, 12:42 PM
Get outside and walk. Fresh air will help, and sunshine will help alot more. Take some extra vitamins too.

01-17-2010, 01:35 PM
Stay away from the pills. My grandmother was in a depression for years and her doctor had her on so many different pills that she just slid deeper and deeper down...

We went to a new doctor who weaned her off the pills and encouraged her instead to get out of the house and get some sunshine. It's tough - especially where you are this time of year in all this weather - but the sunshine does help. There are also supposed to be some good light therapy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_therapy) options out there. Philips makes a BLU light therapy unit that has really been getting great reviews (http://www.consumer.philips.com/c/light-therapy/11625/cat/us/) that might help if you can't get outdoors.

A mutual friend of ours (Bestat) told me that the best medicine for depression and stress was to get a cat. I listened (because we both know how wise she is) and then I also got one for my grandmother. If it weren't for my cat (and the dogs we've also added over the years) I would just sit at the computer and work, work, work. They seem to know when you are stressed and need to take a break and they just come up, cuddle with you and brighten a day that could have otherwise gone into a funk. The only time my grandmother brightens when we talk on the phone is to tell me of the silly things her cat does - they really are wonderful companions.

Hope this helps...

01-17-2010, 10:27 PM
A mutual friend of ours (Bestat) told me that the best medicine for depression and stress was to get a cat. I listened (because we both know how wise she is) and then I also got one for my grandmother. If it weren't for my cat (and the dogs we've also added over the years) I would just sit at the computer and work, work, work. They seem to know when you are stressed and need to take a break and they just come up, cuddle with you and brighten a day that could have otherwise gone into a funk. ...

I already have two cats..Casey a five year old male and Tara a 4 year old female..which used to be Harry's cat. They are both a handful..especially their playtime which consists of chasing each other through all the rooms and play fighting until they are tired. They have pulled every curtain down in every room at least twice. LOL

01-18-2010, 06:25 PM
I already have two cats..Casey a five year old male and Tara a 4 year old female..which used to be Harry's cat. They are both a handful..especially their playtime which consists of chasing each other through all the rooms and play fighting until they are tired. They have pulled every curtain down in every room at least twice. LOL

Well.... you definitely don't need more cats - lol Our two are the same way - chasing each other around upstairs - it sounds like horses galloping! Maybe you just need a vacation/change of scenery. East Coast winters are a bitch - I haven't been back there for 20+ years, but I'll never forget.


01-19-2010, 05:02 AM
I have one Burmese at the moment. I had to put down my 19 year old Tokinese in December. It is the hardest thing I ever did in my life.

01-19-2010, 09:49 AM
UGH. I feel you on this - I am a sunshine baby, all the way, and winter is just brutal.

I hibernate in winter, honestly. I snuggle into my sofa with my furbabies, my manflesh, and a book, and hide until the sun comes back. Vitamins are essential, and OJ really makes a difference to me - it's like sunshine in a glass! ^.^

01-20-2010, 02:07 PM
Play PSP...

01-20-2010, 04:40 PM
When all else fails, get laid...
Someone should tell some jokes.
Four nuns are standing in line for morning confessional, the first nun walks up to the priest and says: "forgive me father for I have sinned, I had an opportunity to view a penis, and I looked wantingly", the preist instructed the first nun to put one drop of holy water into each eye, say three hail mary's and you will forever be forgiven for your sins. The second nun steps toward the preist and confesses: "forgive me father for I have sinned, I had the opportunity to touch a penis and I firmly grasped it with both hands". The preist instructed the second nun to wash her hands in the holy water, say three hail mary's and she would forever be forgiven for her sins.

At this point the fourth nun jumped in front of the third nun and asked the preist, "father, may I please have the opportunity to drink the holy water before the other nun sits in it?" ...(brr-rump-bump)

PS: [this story is ficticious and was intended solely for humor, not to offend any religous groups or sects]