View Full Version : Free Google Adwords Tip

12-03-2009, 08:20 PM
If you know PPC heres a Xmas present on a group of keywords that are underserved and make money.


12-03-2009, 09:57 PM
Just make sure you read the program's TOS before you start your PPC campaign. Most programs do not let you use their domain as keywords and it is clearly defined in the TOS.
With that said, I would have contacted the program owner just to double check before starting the campaign as it wasn't in the TOS. But that's just me.

12-03-2009, 10:05 PM
Just make sure you read the program's TOS before you start your PPC campaign. Most programs do not let you use their domain as keywords and it is clearly defined in the TOS.
With that said, I would have contacted the program owner just to double check before starting the campaign as it wasn't in the TOS. But that's just me.
All the ethical programs Ive known in the past have made TOS changes similar...they paid out and changed the TOS and moved along.

And after 6 years of working for PPC... Id love affiliates to do this ... they take all the risk upfront and everyone gets paid.

12-03-2009, 10:14 PM
All the ethical programs Ive known in the past have made TOS cahnges similar...they paid out and changed the TOS and moved along.

And after 6 years of working for PPC... Id love affilaites to do this ... they take al the risk upfront and everyone gets paid.
I think the only fair way to resolve this issue would be for Dirty D to pay Shoehorn for the sales, then make the change to his TOS.
Live and learn.

12-04-2009, 02:02 PM
Am I the only one bothered by the fact that it's an "apple window" he''s looking at that on.

Sad, very sad.

12-05-2009, 04:35 AM
I've seen a few stubborn mofos in my day that have issues admitting they're wrong, but dayyyyum this one takes the cake.

When all the BRO's are either saying 'pay the man' or are remaining silent it's pretty clear that D is in the wrong here.

I'm sure this has already cost him more than what he's refusing to pay and will end up costing thousands in lost business over time.


Hell Puppy
12-06-2009, 02:52 AM
I've seen a few stubborn mofos in my day that have issues admitting they're wrong, but dayyyyum this one takes the cake.

When all the BRO's are either saying 'pay the man' or are remaining silent it's pretty clear that D is in the wrong here.

I'm sure this has already cost him more than what he's refusing to pay and will end up costing thousands in lost business over time.


When something doesn't make sense, i turn to occam's razor for the solution.

Occam would suggest there are 3 potential simple scenarios here:

1) He doesn't HAVE $350 to spare

2) He's high.

3) He has the business sense of a pile of dog feces.

I'm guessing some combo of all 3.

12-06-2009, 09:33 PM
When something doesn't make sense, i turn to occam's razor for the solution.

Occam would suggest there are 3 potential simple scenarios here:

1) He doesn't HAVE $350 to spare

2) He's high.

3) He has the business sense of a pile of dog feces.

I'm guessing some combo of all 3.

I would have to agree.

12-06-2009, 11:07 PM
I would have to agree.

After reading your thread Ive learned who understands PPC and SE traffic and who doesnt.

Its amusing how people covet those organic searches above PPC.

I submit that this industry's thieves and scammers have created a class of user that will now ONLY click a sponsored link in the engines as they know that both google and Yahoo monitors these and they can reduce the risk of viruses and other exploits and still get their porn.

As a public service Ive included your ad up in the bar to help better inform our colleagues about your issue so they can make their own educated decision.

12-07-2009, 12:08 PM
Hey Yo!

Why would you support a dude that shoots 17 year olds?

12-07-2009, 05:56 PM

12-07-2009, 06:11 PM
DOS TIP for D: When you're already in over your head, quit digging!

12-07-2009, 06:35 PM
I would want to add one thing here, and maybe Pornlaw might want to comment:

When you become an affiliate of a program, do you not gain the rights to use the site names in marketing? How would I promote Crackwhore confessions without using the name? It doesn't appear that this guy was using adwords to direct people to another site, they were ending up at CWC. So it seems like a natural extension of the marketing agreement entered into when you become an affiliate.


12-07-2009, 07:17 PM
When you become an affiliate of a program, do you not gain the rights to use the site names in marketing? How would I promote Crackwhore confessions without using the name? It doesn't appear that this guy was using adwords to direct people to another site, they were ending up at CWC. So it seems like a natural extension of the marketing agreement entered into when you become an affiliate.

Had D handled the situation in a professional manner that would be completely irrelevant, as would the lack of any mention in the TOS.

When he decided that he wasn't going to pay for sales from that traffic he should have immediately informed the affiliate so he could have stopped sending the traffic. Shoehorn wouldn't have been happy, but he could have simply moved to promoting something else.

Instead D did nothing and continued to accept the traffic and sales for another four months before the lack of payment was noticed. That is theft, plain and simple. I don't think D really wants any more legal problems.

12-09-2009, 02:31 PM
.....the plot thickens.

let me throw some gas on this fire. those of you that have made it to the costa rica bash probably met me, my name is phil or felipe here in costa rica but ive also gone by the name cracker jack or doctor sparky, as im the guy that filmed and edited all the crackwhoreconfession content that by the way that greedy faggot dirty motherfuckin d fucked me out of. he will never pay shoehorn as he is the cheapest fucker i have met in my entire fucking life! his program did 1.2 million last year yet he had to fuck me out of not just my money but my 6 year body of work. that fuck head sits in the "war room"and smokes weed every waking hour and refers to himself in the third person as if dirty is a god. what a fucking shit heel. oh he fucked me on electricity play as well. we started our arrangement i produce and edit my content and he handles the marketing on a 50/50 split...then four years in to our deal god...i mean dirty d wakes up and decides he wants to be paid on the net and starts fucking me out of 50% of my coin. then starts selling dvd of my content, then vod, id buy t shirts and fuck wad would sell em on the site and keep the cash, the list goes on . i have been living in costa rica for about 3 years full time and would fly home to tampa every 3 moths to film and edit content for the site, this started to really piss d of as i have a bunch of bird dogs lines up the ho's for me and would be in an out of tampa in a week or ten days....while the almighty fuckhole d would "work every day" i made 123k he made 10 times that, he could be in costa rica living the vida loca like me but couldn't made the big coin, his choice but he decided to hate on me for livin large down here, mind you i never missed an update. im looking for a good attorney to one get my content back btw i never signed a model release for electrictyplay or the crackwhore content so im sure i can at least force him to take down the content which will cost him 300k and his signature site. he really turned into a first class prick when he became diabetic about 3 years ago, please not he became diabetic cuz he is a human sloth that avoids any for of exercise like the plague, i've never seen that prick turn on the stove or oven in his house in the the years ive know him that would be about 7 years he took the fast food route and in led to type two diabetes. he was getting a bj from that dude in the theater not because he is into gay sex but because he is too fucking cheap to pay any one of the local whores 20 bucks that hang out there. when ever you good people here send him money to sponsor any type of event rest assured d NEVER spends a cent of his own money he puts the event together as cheaply as possible and pockets the difference but looks like a pimp instead of the cheapass wimp he really is! now as to his affiliate program he is so full of shit i was at his place 6 months ago and he had about 1500 affiliates not the 5000 he stated earlier inthe thread so god bless that asshole if he got 3500 more affiliates in the last six month when it took him 8 years to get the first 1500, of which only the top fifty or so really produce, he charges his affiliates 20% for processing that costs him 10% so he's been fucking his affiliates since day one or at least since he converted to nats.
1 never send traffic to this ahole
2 never send him coin to sponsor any type of event
3 avoid him like the plague
4 dont look for him in the dey rey "its too expensive those are the priciest hos in costa"
6 dont jack of near him in the playhouse or fantasy land
7 dont smoke weed with him hes the lamest bogart in the fuckin world
8 dont buy that pimp hand shit he will act like the man for three days at a convention
but thats not the real dirty d thats him showing his calculated pimp hand
9 dont listen to jennydahling as d's word come out of her mouth both on line and at shows
10 dont listen to shawn aka graphic dude.he still lives with his mom and never got any ass til he worked for dirty d so his heads too far up d's ass he's merely d's "puppet"
11 ask me any other questions you make have about this douchebag calling himself dirty d
12 send me the name of the best most high powered internet lawyer you know.

12-09-2009, 04:19 PM
Diabetes is a bitch.

12-19-2009, 10:38 AM
It has been reported by Shoehorn that he got paid via epass. No communication, no comments, just money.

As a result, the pay me dirt d site is down and gone, so Gonzo, you can remove it from the top of the site I guess!

12-19-2009, 11:00 AM
It has been reported by Shoehorn that he got paid via epass. No communication, no comments, just money.

As a result, the pay me dirt d site is down and gone, so Gonzo, you can remove it from the top of the site I guess!
Damn spoil sport.