View Full Version : I got the Swine Flu Vaccine yesterday

11-05-2009, 01:14 AM
It sucks. My arm hurts like a motherfucker and I feel like shit. I think tomorrow I will spend the day in bed. Be prepared.

11-05-2009, 02:25 AM
good move! hope you get well soon!

11-05-2009, 12:13 PM
How were you able to get your shot early? Isn't BC one of the provinces with guidelines on who gets it when? We can't get ours (healthy adults) until the week of December 7th.

Then again, I've never had a flu shot and don't intend on starting now.

11-05-2009, 01:01 PM
How were you able to get your shot early? Isn't BC one of the provinces with guidelines on who gets it when? We can't get ours (healthy adults) until the week of December 7th.

Then again, I've never had a flu shot and don't intend on starting now.
One of my close relatives is ill and I need to look after her frequently.

11-05-2009, 03:55 PM
I got mine Tuesday. Nauseated with a horrible headache for two days. My doctor didn't have his shipment in yet, but Walgreens were giving shots for free and seemed to have a plentiful supply...go figure.

11-05-2009, 06:20 PM
I got mine Tuesday. Nauseated with a horrible headache for two days. My doctor didn't have his shipment in yet, but Walgreens were giving shots for free and seemed to have a plentiful supply...go figure.
Sounds like what happened to me.

Hell Puppy
11-05-2009, 10:23 PM
I got my regular flu shot. So far has never bothered me other than a little arm soreness the next day.

I'll let the rest of yall beta test the swine flu shot, and I'll just stay away from sick people.

11-05-2009, 10:48 PM
You guys are all wusses.

I got my flu shot and laughed at it.
('course she was a very skilled nurse)

11-06-2009, 11:23 AM
I'll let the rest of yall beta test the swine flu shot, and I'll just stay away from sick people.

Lots of luck trying to do that. I just read that 40% of the people in New York have already had swine flu. Someone just coughed the wrong way on the subway the other day and it started a big fight with people spitting on each other. At least by next year a lot of people should have some degree of immunity.

11-06-2009, 11:26 AM
Sounds like what happened to me.

I don't usually take flu shots though so maybe my reaction had something to do with that.

11-06-2009, 06:08 PM
Lots of luck trying to do that. I just read that 40% of the people in New York have already had swine flu. Someone just coughed the wrong way on the subway the other day and it started a big fight with people spitting on each other. At least by next year a lot of people should have some degree of immunity.

Or they'll be dead

11-06-2009, 06:19 PM
Or they'll be dead

Those will probably be the ones spitting on each other LOL

Hell Puppy
11-07-2009, 05:12 AM
Lots of luck trying to do that. I just read that 40% of the people in New York have already had swine flu. Someone just coughed the wrong way on the subway the other day and it started a big fight with people spitting on each other. At least by next year a lot of people should have some degree of immunity.

The herd has been panic'd. They get a sniffle, and they think they have swine flu.

if there's an upside, it's now that hand sanitizer it showing up everywhere, I've started seeing it in the entrances to several restaurants.

But the data doesn't warrant the panic yet. CDC reports the following for New York.

Suspected Cases: 279
Confirmed/Probable Cases: 7971
Fatal Cases: 73

Atlanta meanwhile has around 200 confirmed cases. I'll take my chances for now.

11-07-2009, 10:04 AM
The herd has been panic'd. They get a sniffle, and they think they have swine flu.

if there's an upside, it's now that hand sanitizer it showing up everywhere, I've started seeing it in the entrances to several restaurants.

But the data doesn't warrant the panic yet. CDC reports the following for New York.

Suspected Cases: 279
Confirmed/Probable Cases: 7971
Fatal Cases: 73

Atlanta meanwhile has around 200 confirmed cases. I'll take my chances for now.

And people like Woogie are trying to figure out scams to take advantage of the hysteria. Thats who I want securing my streaming video content a chain mal and swine flu scammer.

11-07-2009, 11:29 AM
Suspected Cases: 279
Confirmed/Probable Cases: 7971
Fatal Cases: 73

Keep in mind that less than one in ten people will even bother to see their doctors as for the majority, H1N1 just feels like a normal flu virus. The cases listed are only ones reported and you just know that it's actually ten times or more higher than published. The death rates are basically in line with the annual flu.

The big difference with H1N1 seems to be the way it attacks healthy teenagers.

11-07-2009, 11:39 AM
Keep in mind that less than one in ten people will even bother to see their doctors as for the majority, H1N1 just feels like a normal flu virus. The cases listed are only ones reported and you just know that it's actually ten times or more higher than published. The death rates are basically in line with the annual flu.

The big difference with H1N1 seems to be the way it attacks healthy teenagers.
A couple of my friends have had it, and it is a bitch of a flu. It probably isn't killing more than the regular flu season flus, but it is a very nasty thing to have with a very long recovery period. If your temperature goes over 38.9 (not sure what that is in f anymore) you need to take Tamaflu. It is only effective if you take it within the first 48 hours, but seems to work.

11-07-2009, 11:55 AM
The herd has been panic'd. They get a sniffle, and they think they have swine flu.

if there's an upside, it's now that hand sanitizer it showing up everywhere, I've started seeing it in the entrances to several restaurants.

But the data doesn't warrant the panic yet. CDC reports the following for New York.

Suspected Cases: 279
Confirmed/Probable Cases: 7971
Fatal Cases: 73

Atlanta meanwhile has around 200 confirmed cases. I'll take my chances for now.

I read that cats and dogs can get swine flu now so thats another thing to worry about LOL

11-07-2009, 04:33 PM
Actually, I caught a case of H1N1 back a few weeks ago. It stayed with me for a couple of weeks. Had a slight fever, averaging about 102°F and a really, really bad cough (that was the bitch). My neighbour is a Doctor and did the "diagnosis". It was really no different than the flu I seem to get every Spring (well, other than the bad, non-sop coughing). I never do anything but stay away from people, suck on some Hall's, and let it run its course.

Hell Puppy
11-08-2009, 01:43 AM
Yup, this one seems to attack younger folks instead of us geezers.

Only thing I plan to do different is that if I do get any sort of flu, knowing i had the shot for normal influenza, i'm likely to go to the doctor a bit quicker than I normally would.

11-08-2009, 10:23 AM
Ever since I moved to Florida I never have a single cold or sickness. It's only when I fly up to Vermont to see family that I get sick! Working at home and not being around anyone helps I'm sure. I'm not going to get any shot; If I get it I can just stay in bed since again I work at home.

11-08-2009, 10:36 AM
Actually, I caught a case of H1N1 back a few weeks ago. It stayed with me for a couple of weeks. Had a slight fever, averaging about 102°F and a really, really bad cough (that was the bitch). My neighbour is a Doctor and did the "diagnosis". It was really no different than the flu I seem to get every Spring (well, other than the bad, non-sop coughing). I never do anything but stay away from people, suck on some Hall's, and let it run its course.

That doesn't sound like the H1N1 Danny.

11-08-2009, 12:24 PM
What doesn't sound like H1N1?? For the vast majority of people, the symptoms are really just basic flu symptoms. The excessive coughing is one of the symptoms that is quite common with this strain, but not something everyone gets. At this time, we have no other influenza virus in the Montreal area. Here, if it's flu (and not just a basic cold), it's H1N1. We have it all over our news that if you have any Flu symptoms to just stay home and away from others.

The normal yearly influenza virus in Canada follows traditional patterns and always goes from West to East. We tend to get whatever Flu outbreak they had in Vancouver a month prior. I'm not even sure if the West has had the yearly Flu hit yet, but it hasn't started here.

11-08-2009, 12:31 PM
What doesn't sound like H1N1?? For the vast majority of people, the symptoms are really just basic flu symptoms. The excessive coughing is one of the symptoms that is quite common with this strain, but not something everyone gets. At this time, we have no other influenza virus in the Montreal area. Here, if it's flu (and not just a basic cold), it's H1N1. We have it all over our news that if you have any Flu symptoms to just stay home and away from others.

The normal yearly influenza virus in Canada follows traditional patterns and always goes from West to East. We tend to get whatever Flu outbreak they had in Vancouver a month prior. I'm not even sure if the West has had the yearly Flu hit yet, but it hasn't started here.
It has started here. The most common symptom I hear for real swine flu is a very stiff neck and jaw and extreme flu symptoms. A couple of my friends in Toronto have it at the moment.

11-08-2009, 12:58 PM
What doesn't sound like H1N1?? For the vast majority of people, the symptoms are really just basic flu symptoms. The excessive coughing is one of the symptoms that is quite common with this strain, but not something everyone gets. At this time, we have no other influenza virus in the Montreal area. Here, if it's flu (and not just a basic cold), it's H1N1. We have it all over our news that if you have any Flu symptoms to just stay home and away from others.

The normal yearly influenza virus in Canada follows traditional patterns and always goes from West to East. We tend to get whatever Flu outbreak they had in Vancouver a month prior. I'm not even sure if the West has had the yearly Flu hit yet, but it hasn't started here.

The scary strain (Which is here now) involves a sudden intense arrival of the symptoms, followed by intense pain, joint pain, and 5 days of misery.

A friend of mine had it, and they quarantined here.
Dunno, maybe they have a slightly different version there, but I thought it had to be diagnosed with a test in the hospital.

11-08-2009, 02:43 PM
oink oink oink

tweet :okthumb:

11-08-2009, 03:39 PM
The stiffness and joint pain was also there, but it was nothing too crazy. The only time it really hurt was after sitting in front of the PC for a couple of hours, and then getting up! Felt like someone beat the hell out of me! But after moving around for a minute, it would subside.

11-08-2009, 04:22 PM
The stiffness and joint pain was also there, but it was nothing too crazy. The only time it really hurt was after sitting in front of the PC for a couple of hours, and then getting up! Felt like someone beat the hell out of me! But after moving around for a minute, it would subside.
Id be mad if it affected my jerk off arm.

11-09-2009, 11:47 AM
The stiffness and joint pain was also there, but it was nothing too crazy. The only time it really hurt was after sitting in front of the PC for a couple of hours, and then getting up! Felt like someone beat the hell out of me! But after moving around for a minute, it would subside.

Yea, that sounds more like it.